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The overdue section of our work list has been cluttered with overdue items, since first introducing Karbon. I have given the team reminder after reminder, however, no one is going through their overdue items. In another attempt to address this, I would like to set up a weekly task, alert, or reminder to prompt them to review the list on a weekly basis. Is it possible to do this?

Hi @naomi_paulson, that’s been a long-standing issue at our firm as well. I don’t have an answer for you, and I’m curious what others will say.

What we are doing now to combat this issue is having a morning huddle with the whole team (11 staff, so not that large), and our ops manager keeps track of what each person plans to complete that day. She also can see and direct the work if something needs to be pulled up, but the key the process so far has been two things:

  1. The meeting is not designed as a personal accountability system. It’s goal and design are to identify when and why, as a firm, our systems cannot accurately predict when work will be completed. We see this by asking each person if they completed none (marked in red), some (marked in yellow), or all (marked in green) of the tasks they thought they would get done. This does nothing in the short term, but it gives us really great visibility on what’s getting stuck for further study and process improvement later.
  2. If something wasn’t completed yesterday, it goes to the top of the list for today. This is key because our staff have a nasty habit of doing the recent, easy, and exciting work and ignoring the boring, hard, and old work. It’s not possible to do that any longer in the shadows. It’s clearly visible on the spreadsheet when that happens, which can spark a conversation or some digging to figure out why a particular item is stuck.

I’m hopeful about our long-term results from this change, and the results of the process improvements we will implement because of the increased visibility on what’s getting stuck.

Hi @max, thank you! 

We are also a team of 11, with about half working from home. It seems like you have a solid organizational system in place. We’re still in the process of developing and refining ours, and I was hoping Karbon would be an asset in this. Managing tasks and staying on top of work has been my biggest challenge, as I rarely see half the team in person.

I hope Karbon has an answer.
