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Can the certification be broken down into different levels? 

Not all my team need to know how to set up templates and have access to insights but all need to know how to work in Karbon and communicate in Karbon so a standard level and an expert level of training would be great. 

At the moment I’m only asking managers and above to undertake Karbon training but would love to get all staff to understate a more basic level as part of their induction to the business and processes

@Johann Goree Great suggestion.

@evanrnhall tagging you for visibility on this.  Not sure you would want this to go in the feature request section or not?

I considered it as a feature request but then thought it was more feedback than a feature for the core Product. I will happily post it as a feature request if that’s a better place for it? 

Thank you both @Johann Goree  @kylenecarse  !


In the near future we’ll add a content recommendation form into the new Academy page, but feature request here in Community is fine for the time being so those great ideas don’t get lost.


Johann, in the new Academy page is a program called “Right For Me” - it offers five different paths for people with more limited needs than Certification (but otherwise reuses content from Certification). It starts with a simple four question yes/no survey about your job duties and uses that to determine which path is right for you.


What’s cool is that once someone completes content toward Right For Me, it “counts” towards later doing Certification if they decide to go that route. Win-win!

Hi @evanrnhall

Thats great but a lower grade of certificate for those doing more basic modules is more rewarding and a better sense of accomplishment than doing a few modules and maybe never progressing to the exert levels. 

sounds like you have the content in place but it just needs a split and certificates to reward the newer team members 

Hi @evanrnhall

Thats great but a lower grade of certificate for those doing more basic modules is more rewarding and a better sense of accomplishment than doing a few modules and maybe never progressing to the exert levels. 

sounds like you have the content in place but it just needs a split and certificates to reward the newer team members 


Thanks Johann! The “Right For Me” paths are wholly contained, so you do get the experience of being “done” with them, however you’re correct that we don’t currently have any kind of badging associated with completion.

I’d love to hear more from you (and others watching this thread) on what would be meaningful to your team and informative to your leaders. While the Certification badge currently gets surfaced both within Karbon and within Community, we would need to create that surfacing mechanism for any other badge to show there or elsewhere. Doing so requires time and resource, so we need to make sure we have a clear understanding on exactly what is valuable to people, as well as how that value relates to other Education initiatives we might devote resources to.

Or, if we simply produced a Right For Me certificate which someone could download a PDF of from Academy (without it being surfaced anywhere else), would that be greatly appreciated by folks? I wouldn’t have thought so, but very happy to be proved wrong!


Hi @evanrnhall

I agree with you i think a mechanism to display the certification within Karbon profile like the Karbon master one does would be good. It gives the team members a sense of achievement and helps the leadership team see who has completed which training and if someone hasn’t done any allows us to offer further support to complete it. 

I’d love to see training that is more basic and focused for an employee user that has, say standard permissions vs admin permissions. Admin training for those that are not owners. 

Manager type training that is more in depth on reporting, filtering my week and work with guidance on how to realistically set expectations for themselves and their team.

I’d love to see training that is more basic and focused for an employee user that has, say standard permissions vs admin permissions. Admin training for those that are not owners. 

Manager type training that is more in depth on reporting, filtering my week and work with guidance on how to realistically set expectations for themselves and their team.

@Terri Warren have you explored the “Right For Me” learning paths in Academy for use with standard users? They do what you described.


The “manager type training” is covered some in Certification, and any depths not addressed there would be good to identify. Either to bolster Certification or to create as ad hoc coursework. You’re always welcome to email me with specific needs, but putting those ideas in here is also great to crowdsource feedback and perspective!
