Move to done

  • 26 October 2022
  • 2 replies


I would like to know about the option of ‘Move to done’’ in my week.

2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Anushikha Sharma, what would you like to know?

A brief overview:

  • Move work to done when your portion of the work is complete
  • Work will repopulate in your My Week if it’s assigned back to you for more tasks later on
  • Move to Done does not impact the actual status of the work
  • You still need to check off your assigned tasks and update the status and assignee of the work when finished with your task

Does that help at all?

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Anushikha Sharma 

There has been a lot of discussion and feature requests in the Community about My Week and about Move to Done in particular.  You may want to check some of these out to get some ideas of how people are using My Week.  

My Week Questions | Karbon Community (

My Week: Completing tasks | Karbon Community (

When My Week cards move out of Done back into My Week | Karbon Community (

When work is complete or your tasks are complete, it will show greyed out in My Week, you can move these to your Done bucket with a bulk drag and drop.  The work does not move to Done for anyone else on your team when you do this.

If the work is not completed but you have nothing else to do on that work order you can move it to Done, it will not impact the Status of the Work or any colleague’s My Week view.

Hope that helps,

