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Emails not flowing through to Triage

  • 24 January 2022
  • 5 replies

I have a number of emails this morning that have not flown through to Triage.  They are not in Low Priority and I haven't cleared them by mistake - they just haven't come through.


Has anyone else had issues?

5 replies

Not coming in or going out for the last hour, Office 365, Australia

Seems to have resolved itself now, thanks.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I’m glad to hear that Rory! Would you mark your reply as the answer to this question? It helps keep the community tidy. 😀


Userlevel 5
Badge +5

I’ve had that issue before - all the @ mentions were coming through but not emails.

Support were very quick to help sort it out and I would suggest sending them an internal message if it happens again?

I remember having to do some sort of hard restore - but I’m not computer technically minded! Tell me where it goes on a tax return and that’s a different matter!

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

A hard refresh is always the first thing that support will ask you to do and something you could try before contacting support. It clears out your browser’s cached files so it takes a little longer than a normal refresh, but it downloads all the latest information from Karbon and overwrites any cached files that may have gotten messed up somehow.

From the troubleshooting guide:

Does that help at all?
