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Copy from a Template?

  • 6 January 2022
  • 5 replies

Would anyone else find it useful to be able to copy a section of a template to work items.  This would be so helpful when updating existing work items.  I put in a feature request for this.  If you think this would be useful, please make a request as well.  Requests can be submitted by going to Help and Feedback and choosing this.


5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I love the idea. You can do this now by adding a work item to a client set up for this purpose.

Search for the work item you have setup for the items you want to add here:

Does that help at all?

Userlevel 7
Badge +13

Yes, we have been doing this.  It would just be much easier to skip the add a work item and then copy from there.  Even better would be able to select to copy to several work items at one time.

Userlevel 7
Badge +10


I do copy from other pieces of work but have thought it would be so nice to copy a section of tasks from the template maybe even with automators intact.  I think I have submitted such a feature request in the past but am happy to do it again.

I have also wanted to repeat tasks within a work order that I am creating, this come up more often when I am creating internal work orders.

For example: I want to task each member of the team with completing a 360 review of their manager - I like to set that up as one work order with due dates and be able to see in one place that it is getting done, but typing out the same task description 10 times is… blah.

Feels like a feature request kind of day!

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Would anyone else find it useful to be able to copy a section of a template to work items.  This would be so helpful when updating existing work items.  I put in a feature request for this.  If you think this would be useful, please make a request as well.  Requests can be submitted by going to Help and Feedback and choosing this.


Good call Diane. Done!

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

@DianeK Yes! Submitting this request as well!
