
Change repeating work's start date - is it possible?

  • 19 October 2021
  • 4 replies

Userlevel 7
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  • Sr. Karbon Community Guide
  • 1260 replies

Hi Karbon Community!

I had a weekly bookkeeping client setup to start on Tuesday and to be due on Friday, but I just want it to start and be due on Friday.

Is there a way to update the repeating schedule without deleting and starting over?

I thought I could change the start and due dates of a work item and the repeater would take over from there, but that hasn’t happened.

Does anyone have experience with this? The help articles and community topics mostly deal with setting up recurring work for the first time.


-- Edit --

Alternative answer from @LD7E:

An add on to this option if there are a lot of recurring work items that need to be deleted. Set an end date on the current repeating work item that is a day or more before the next work item that has already been created. Once you save this it will automatically delete all future work items. Then you can go in and change the work start date of the last work item completed to the new day of the week you want the work to start and create the new repeating schedule from it.


Best answer by kylenecarse 19 October 2021, 16:19

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4 replies

Userlevel 6
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Hi @max !  We ran into a similar issue recently.

For a work item that is repeating for just one client, I have found that going in and deleting the repeater and resetting it works pretty good. Just make sure that if work has been created already from the repeater, you may need to delete those work items as well, so you don’t end up with duplicates when you reset.

However, if you are needing to update a bunch of clients on a repeating schedule, and you have the bulk upload option in your Karbon subscription plan, I would definitely reach out to your CSM to see if they can stop the repeater and reset it in bulk.  

We just did this too, and it was a HUGE time saver!!

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I was thinking this was the case. I deleted and reset the work. It was quicker than I thought.

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

An add on to this option if there are a lot of recurring work items that need to be deleted. Set an end date on the current repeating work item that is a day or more before the next work item that has already been created. Once you save this it will automatically delete all future work items. Then you can go in and change the work start date of the last work item completed to the new day of the week you want the work to start and create the new repeating schedule from it.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Oooo… I like that.

@kylenecarsecan you add LDYE’s suggesting to your answer so that it’s included in the official answer to this thread?

-- Edit --

Never mind. I should have thought to just edit my post. lol.
