
Running Slow

  • 30 September 2023
  • 5 replies

What is going on with the Karbon Practice Management app/program? It is running so slow that it’s almost impossible to use. I can’t get a hold of Support, or all Support wants to do is talk. I’m tired of talking. I want something to work. Could someone please get my Karbon Practice Management to work? 

5 replies

I am experiencing slowness also. I went to my Internet Providers speed test web page and tested the speed of my connection - I have high speed Internet and the download, upload, ping and jitter ratings were fine. And, I have no lags getting on other websites. I am very concerned. I totally rely on Karbon for my work. I haven’t tried tech support as I decided to search the community and knowledge base first.

Update - yesterday after posting I emailed tech support and got a quick reply. After doing what was recommended (clearing cache/cookies, opening in incognito) I still experienced the problem. The issue was escalated and by early this morning it was fixed.   

Thank you for your update. I’ve done everything that you’ve done, cleaning, clearing, etc., and it’s still running slow, not as slow as it was on Friday, but still significantly inferior to what it had been before. All I get is emails from Support asking me if I still have the problem. I hope the problem will be fixed and move forward. 

It’s odd that only the 2 of us have reported slow page rendering this past weekend. My experience before they fixed the problem was quite severe, so if this was common to other users, I would have expected quite a few posters on this thread. My Karbon speed this morning continues to be normal. I hope they can quickly fix whatever is still causing a problem on your end.

Thank You I hope they can also

