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For a client one of their work items is not showing up with the rest of their work as unbilled. It has not previously been billed either and it’s fee type is “time and materials.”

Hi @Hailey Wilbur, I can think of a few reasons this might happen:

  • The work item was set to a different bill-to.
  • The billable time was removed from billing for some reason.
  • The people putting in the time used non-billable time codes.

Let me know if you’d like me to provide more detailed troubleshooting for any of these situations.

The time entries show as unbilled. I did not remove the billing time either. The time entries are using billable codes. I noticed that for several of my clients the correct work items are not showing up.



You’re saying the time entries on the work item are showing as unbilled? But the time entries are not showing up in the unbilled screen in the billing system, correct?

Does the work below to a client group? Client groups are not billable, but they can be set to a different bill-to such as a person or organization contact.

Yes, that is correct. The work does not belong to a client group.

@Dave George is this something you’d prefer support take a look at?

I contacted support 2 hours ago and still have not received any answers. They said they are experiencing a high volume of support requests.


Is there a chance the work item has been “removed from billing” at some stage in the past? In which case, clicking the blue filters button on the top right of the unbilled page and toggling on show removed items, should bring it back 🙂


@Hailey Wilbur thanks for sending this into support, we can look into the details for you.

I did open the “removed from billing” and the work is still not there for several clients.  I did not delete the work from billing. It hasn’t showed up at all.
