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Timesheets vs Individuals time

I am having a issue in reviewing my staff’s timesheets.  Currently when I look at the Time Tab for last week it shows each persons total time and billable time.  But when I click on an employee it drops these amounts down to some other amount of time.  In one case it takes an employee from 40 hours of time and 36 billable to just 7 hours and 42 minutes with 4 hours 22 minutes of billable time.  

Anyone else having this issue? 

Hi @Doug Buntyn,

Very curious! We’re not having that issue.. have you contacted Karbon Support to see if they can explain it? 🙂

Hi @Doug Buntyn. Yes, we are having the same issue. Have you been able to get in contact with support about this?

After further investigation, it appears that any time entries for work where Fee Type = Fixed Fee are being removed from the employee detail view. 

@SamG Yes, They are working on a solution. It was just odd and was trying to see if anyone else had issues.

@Smitty  I did not realize that.  Most of our clients are on a fixed fee so we are missing alot of details in the timesheets. I hope support fixes this soon.  

It appears this issue has been resolved. However, I just noticed that the Colleague Utilization "week" appears to be Sun-Sat. And the Time entry week appears to be Mon-Sun. I'm unsure if it has always been that way or not, but it seems like they should be the same.

However, I just noticed that the Colleague Utilization "week" appears to be Sun-Sat. And the Time entry week appears to be Mon-Sun. I'm unsure if it has always been that way or not, but it seems like they should be the same.

lnteresting, and I agree! M-S FTW!
