Recurring events in My Week

  • 9 January 2023
  • 6 replies

Userlevel 3
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I really need you to fix how My Week handles recurring events in Google Calendar.

  1. If I edit a recurring event in Google Calendar, My Weeks creates a duplicate: the original and the edited version. This should not happen.
  2. If I delete an instance of a recurring event in My Week and select “All events,” i have to “Sign In With Google” again. This should not happen.
  3. If I delete the recurring event in Google Calendar, the My Week events—original and duplicated—remain. This should not happen.
  4. Once I’ve signed in with Google again, only the single occurrence—not the entire series—I clicked on is deleted. This should not happen, and it is—as far as I can tell—impossible to fully delete all instances of a recurring event.

All these errors make for a very cluttered and frustrating My Week calendar integration experience. Something is off in the integration, and it has been for months now.

6 replies

Userlevel 3
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+1 here. 

This is driving a bit crazy because I use recurring events on Google calendar to manage routine tasks which gets move around. It throws Karbon’s calendar out of whack and it becomes almost unusable.

Userlevel 3
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Dear Karbon,

To give you an idea how unusable the Google Calendar integration is, here’s a screenshot of my calendar in Karbon compared to my Google Calendar. When I try to delete these events from the Karbon version, I get kicked out and have to sign back in. This happens with ever deleted event.

The only fix I’ve come up with is to ignore that this integration even exists. 



Userlevel 3
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Same over here @mikedoan. Thanks for sharing. I hope this gets some attention.

Userlevel 3
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Just now, I inadvertently moved a recurring appointment 15 mins. I immediately moved it back. Now I have not one, not two, but THREE instances of the exact same recurring appointment in My Week. What a cluster.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Jeremy Wells @mikedoan have either of you reached out to support about this?

I edit recurring events frequently and haven’t noticed this happening (adding a description; changing the name; changing the time). I deleted a recurring event from my calendar this morning and I don’t see it in My Week now either. I don’t even see events which I responded No to but haven’t deleted. I still see these in Google Calendar, but not in My Week.

I haven’t deleted anything from My Week to test that side, but it definitely sounds like a bug that needs to go through support.

@Aliesa Jackson any suggestions here?

Userlevel 3
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@Rebecca Williams I’ve had to ask support to delete phantom recurring events a few times now. I can delete them one at a time, but each time triggers having to resync with Google and only deletes a single occurrence of the repeating event.
