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Does anyone have issues with your firm not receiving client comments on Karbon checklist ? We have clients’ comments/info disappear and karbon did not update/notify us when client updated Karbon. Autoreminders would continue. We will only find out when client notify us or we send a follow up email. It is very random and frustrating for all parties. Is there something we can do ? Thank you.

Hi @Lina Ting,

We’ve never experienced this..

Usually the Work Assignee and the person who the request was sent from both receive notification of the client comment.

Is it one of these people who is not receiving the notification in Triage?

I’d suggest reaching out to support as it’s a bug if it’s not working:

Does that help? 🙂

Thank you I will contact support. I am the the Assignee and the person requested info. It has happened twice in the last 6 weeks. All others were ok 🙂

Very peculiar! Hopefully an easy explanation 🤞🏾
