
Managing/Tracking internal compliance of Karbon features

  • 14 September 2022
  • 4 replies

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I’m looking for some suggestions about tracking internal Karbon usage. I am discussing with my Karbon CS rep too, but I thought I’d crowdsource some other ideas!



We’ve spent a lot of time recently documenting how we use Karbon and our internal best practices/expectations, and this month everyone in the firm is completing our own Karbon training. As part of this, we want to be able to track and follow up with team members who are struggling to meet our targets.

We don’t currently use Email Insights or Intelligence, so I’m hoping to also get some feedback from those who are using it that would help me build a business case if need be.


KPIs I’m hoping to track!

Triage (these are available in Insights I believe - what (if any) details can be exported? Is this available in the API to push into a spreadsheet?)

  • Volume of email in Triage
    • ​​​​​​​Ideally the amount at EOD for each user, and then a daily EOD average across the month
  • ​​​​​​​Average days notifications are in Triage in a calendar month
    • ​​​​​​​Emails, notes, timesheet requests, client tasks, basically anything that comes into Triage!
  • ​​​​​​​Average email response time

Work Items

  • Quantity of work items overdue at EOM
    • I think I can create a work view and export this on the last day of the month, but ideally I’d like a more automated solution!
  • Length of time in each status
    • I think this is available to some extent in intelligence, but I can’t tell if it has the granularity I’d want:
      • Time in each sub-status, as well as main status
      • Broken out by work type, work assignee, contact type

My Week

The only KPI I’ve come up with to track My Week use is the percent and/or quantity of items in each bucket. I’ve come up with some thresholds as a starting point that reflect how we use My Week, but to get the data I have to follow a janky copy/paste/reformat process to get the data in a usable format to analyse.

What options are there for getting summary My Week data using intelligence/API/something else? At this stage think I want:

  • Total quantity of items in each bucket
  • Total quantity of each type in each bucket (emails, notes, work)


I’m currently reporting on the quantity of timesheets in each status on a weekly basis. This is working pretty well, but this too it involves a janky copy/paste/reformat process from the Time summary page. Again, I’d love to know what other options I have for getting this data!


If your firm is tracking any metrics for how your team uses Karbon, I’d love any additional suggestions!


Best answer by Victoria Peters 16 September 2022, 14:13

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Rebecca Williams 


We do track how our team is using Karbon but beyond the easy - Work Insights data (which use throughout the month) - it’s a process! 


We don’t track time so the utilization tools are out.  We report on Objectives and have grouped Karbon in with other quality objectives.

We have committed to reviewing 5 files per month/per team (peer & management reviews).  We look at the following aspects of Karbon

  • That the Contact Timeline includes a pinned note of relevant info for the team, including a description of scope
  • That appropriate work orders are set up, assigned and on the correct repeat schedules
  • That the Details tab is complete and up to date
  • Specific work orders are reviewed - assignments, budgets, linked noted and emails are evaluated
  • That Workflow / Status is accurately tracked 

We drill down on other quality related items beyond Karbon as part of this process as well, to come to a score (KPI) for Quality.  

There is nothing automated about this process (except that we have a work order template)!  The value comes in being able to trust the information in Karbon and the opportunity to focus training where we see room for improvement.


When it comes to Insights we compare Items Completed on Time against overdue at the end of the month.  We are trying to get a handle on when and why due dates are being adjusted throughout the month.

Good luck, I will be following this thread!


Userlevel 7
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Thanks @Victoria Peters for the thoughts!

We have committed to reviewing 5 files per month/per team (peer & management reviews).

This is a good idea - we’re starting to do this from an accounting quality standpoint, but I think we could do something similar for Karbon. There are some more qualitative areas I was wanting to look at as well (correct tagging of notes/emails, notes/emails being assigned correctly and statuses being used). This might help with those areas!


We are trying to get a handle on when and why due dates are being adjusted throughout the month.

We’re also looking at this - it would be good if we could lock down who can change due dates, or at least have to give some kind of reasoning! I can see the graph showing number of times the due date was changed for open work - is there a way to drill down into this, i.e. see which items?

Userlevel 7
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We are trying to get a handle on when and why due dates are being adjusted throughout the month.

We’re also looking at this - it would be good if we could lock down who can change due dates, or at least have to give some kind of reasoning! I can see the graph showing number of times the due date was changed for open work - is there a way to drill down into this, i.e. see which items?

There is no way to drill down to see which items have had the due date changed.  The information is available in the Timeline for the work order, including who made the move but that is not in Insights as far as I can tell.  I thought I had done a feature request on this but I don’t see it - I will fix that shortly!

I have asked the team to always include a Note in the Timeline when they are moving an item to a new month so we at least have support for the move if it ever needs a follow up.

Userlevel 7
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Woops - @Victoria Peters I tried liking your message and then quoting and accidentally marked it as Best Answer! 🙈


I have asked the team to always include a Note in the Timeline when they are moving an item to a new month so we at least have support for the move if it ever needs a follow up.

We’ve also added this into our process, and a policy of who is allowed to change dates, but it’s hard when we can’t restrict that!

Being able to drill down to see the specific work items in each bucket would be helpful, except for maybe the “0 changes” or “1 change” buckets as it might be too long a list to load, for example, we have over 1,000 work items where the date hasn’t change!
