
Insights - There is a lot of information there

  • 5 August 2021
  • 2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

How do you use Insights?  Does it help with decision making?  How often do you review the numbers and why?

2 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

This is so helpful - we’re considering insights and didn’t know that it could do that.


When I log on next, I’ll keep that in mind as I’d never thought of it that way before! We know what we are trying to achieve, and this may well keep us on track (and me accountable too!).

Userlevel 5
Badge +6


Insights reporting for Work helps me identify individuals who might be struggling with their workload, or with their understanding of Karbon. For example, if someone has a lot of work items not completed on time, I can dig into whether that's because they're overworked or if they just haven't gotten into the habit of marking items complete in Karbon yet.

It also helps me establish baseline expectations for individuals and teams on how they should be performing so I can tell who is lagging and who is a rockstar.

Email Insights are also helpful because I can monitor whether emails are being properly attached to client timelines. I can also check in on whether everyone is keeping their Triage clear, as well as which clients are the most needy.  In addition, I can see the turnaround time on how quickly the team responds to email.
