
How do we get notes from a work item to show up on the main timeline?

  • 23 November 2022
  • 9 replies

Userlevel 1

How do we get notes from a work item to show up on the main timeline?


When we add notes to a work item for a client, it does not seem to transfer to the client’s main timeline.

Am I missing something?

9 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

@Randi Rose This is something that should happen, and I just tested it and it worked.  You may want to reach out to Karbon Support and see if it’s something they can help troubleshoot

Userlevel 1


I have a meeting with our person tomorrow.  I am testing this out, it is not transferring over.  So either I am missing something, or the system needs to update or something.

Tx for the response.


UPDATE:  It looks like it needed to update.

Userlevel 1


Is it your understanding that comments on individual tasks do not transfer over but comments on Timeline notes do?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Are you trying to get comments on individual task items inside a work item to show up in the timeline?

Userlevel 5
Badge +6

@Randi Rose That is correct.  Comments on something already in the timeline (notes, emails, etc) will transfer over, but comments made on tasks inside the Work will not show up in any timeline.

Userlevel 1

@max I would love it if that were possible.  Way more transaparent.

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

@BrooksW is right, comments in work items do not show up in the timeline.

If you put in a feature idea, comment the link here so people will vote for it. 😀

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

Hi @Randi Rose When we have comments that we want to show up on future work orders we copy and paste them to a Note and link that note to any and all timelines we want it to show up on. 

Now that I think about it I think this happens quite often actually, I would also vote for this feature idea!

Userlevel 5
Badge +5

Wouldn’t this make the client timeline super cluttered if comments from tasks, etc. also get transferred to the client timeline? 

I think there would have to be a way for us to choose what get’s transferred to the client timeline if there is too much flowing… some sort of global setting that allowed us to toggle off what does/doesn’t get transferred over.  I know we can choose what’s displayed on the timeline, so that’s helpful at least to clear the clutter if we needed to find something. 

Another thought on this though, I know some people were asking for “Audit” type trails… if comments and items from tasks were transferred to the timeline (or a place like it), potentially that could be a place where audit information could be downloaded/printed, assuming this information would be made “printable.”  Right now, when you try to print, you only get one page worth, so there would have to be a print button to select, which would allow us to download and save an entire timeline worth of information. 
