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I am using a template which is called “Weekly Accounting”

I can’t remember how we set it up so the title includes the date and it changes every week.  

That’s what a current one for one of our clients looks like

I use the template then I change the title but I can’t get the title to include the applicable week.


Here’s a link to the other topic discussing this: 


I don’t believe there is currently an automated way to do this, but you can rename any work item by clicking the three dots in the lower right of the work item header.  You can manually add the 01- Jan. to the name for that item.


That’s what I was worried about. I guess we just have to work with it. Thank you for your reply

I don’t believe there is currently an automated way to do this, but you can rename any work item by clicking the three dots in the lower right of the work item header.  You can manually add the 01- Jan. to the name for that item.

I would like it to look like


02 - Feb Bookkeeping

03- Mrz Bookkeeping

04 - April Bookkeeping


as now with only the name they’re all over the place.  for one client, it would be nice if it would be in order of the month like above


anyone has any idea how to fix that or if it’s even possible or am I just the only one who doesn’t like to options… 




There is also a filter to add or subtract from the Start or due date to get the name adjusted.  We use this for month-end work that starts April 1st for March. You can pick the month and say minus 30 days and the name will be March instead of April.  Check the preview pane on the right to see what will be added.


YEA I got it to work  Vicky you are lifesaver I didn’t setup the original template quite right but it works now thank you so much!

I am so frustrated I know it’s easy.  I selected Previous repeat period date and I wanted it to show May 2022, but the repeat place holder can only show 2 different months/years not a single month.

I know it’s simple I am just missing something


Hi Dan,

Instead of using the Start Date as the place holder try using Repeat Period - Previous Repeat Period Date.  That should solve it


Hope that helps,




Max and Victoria I really appreciate what you do for the community. I did figure out the naming on the weekly tasks.  The problem I am having now is naming on a monthly task.  Here is the name of the task I saved from a template:


No matter what I do when I try and create a name as below:



The system defaults to making the next month June instead of May.  I don’t know how I can affect that?  I want the Monthly Accounting work June 2022 to start July 1, 2022


Hi @Dan Yamamoto!

This article has a lot of great information about building repeating work: Setup repeating work on a schedule

You’ll want to pay attention to the Choosing a Naming Convention section.

Does that help at all?


Something that saves my sanity on the regular is the Repeat Preview - I sometimes experiment with the naming conventions to get it do what I want and the Repeat Preview let’s me know if I was successful with my expectations before I hit the Update button



Alternatively can I copy a weekly accounting item from a different customer and copy it over to a new customer?  The weekly tasks are identical

You can do this by copying the tasks to a different client:

Another option you have if you will have many clients with this kind of work is to set an existing work item as a template and apply the template when setting up new work:

Does that help at all?

Hi @Dan Yamamoto!

This article has a lot of great information about building repeating work: Setup repeating work on a schedule

You’ll want to pay attention to the Choosing a Naming Convention section.

Does that help at all?

Alternatively can I copy a weekly accounting item from a different customer and copy it over to a new customer?  The weekly tasks are identical
