
Email attachments

  • 27 September 2022
  • 2 replies

We, at Svihla & Associates CPA have noticed that when we receive attachments in an email, sometimes they are at the bottom of the feed and sometimes they are at the top.  Is this normal? 

We also noticed that when we have a thread of back and forth emails, they are never in the order in which they are sent or received.  They are all jumbled up.

It would make things so much easier if the attachments were always in the same place and if email were received and read in the order in which they were sent. (does that make sense?)

2 replies

Userlevel 7
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Hi @LuAnn Carpenter - from my experience it seems to come down to what email provider the sender uses and how they structure email threads! For example, we had one client whose emails would NEVER thread because their email provider didn’t have any concept of conversations/threads. Even with the same subject, every email came through as a unique item. It was very hard to manage!

I think sometimes attachments can be added “in-line” as opposed to at the end/bottom of the email which would affect how they show in Karbon.

Sometimes as well the previous replies/emails can be expanded while a reply is being written, and that can show them as part of the new email as well as in a separate email in the thread.


Sorry that’s not much of a solution for you though!

Userlevel 4
Badge +10

We, at Svihla & Associates CPA have noticed that when we receive attachments in an email, sometimes they are at the bottom of the feed and sometimes they are at the top.  Is this normal? 

We also noticed that when we have a thread of back and forth emails, they are never in the order in which they are sent or received.  They are all jumbled up.

It would make things so much easier if the attachments were always in the same place and if email were received and read in the order in which they were sent. (does that make sense?)

Same here - e-mail threads I kind of got used to figuring out, but the attachments at the very bottom, it’s pretty bad!
