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I have a workflow/transparency question for you all. We are an all remote team and we have on outsourced IT company. Currently, I am attempting to keep on top of everyone’s issue and make sure they are resolved. We have tried having one work item at attaching all conversations to one time line but information is getting lost. We are considering creating a work item for each tech issue with it’s own work type so that a single ticket can be followed by anyone on the team. 

I would be interested to hear how other companies track their outsourced IT Issues.  

@Kari Hannum we do exactly what you’re suggesting! Although our tech team isn’t outsourced, so Karbon is also where they track and complete the tickets.

  • A dedicated work type
  • Users create a piece of work with details
  • If there’s related emails they get tagged, or they might create a note if more details need to be given, but usually it just goes in the work description
  • The user choose the client it relates to, or uses our internal Delivery Team client if it is not client-specific
  • Statuses are used to track progress
  • We have some templates created for common requests as well (e.g. tech setup for new employees), including some with client tasks

We also do the same for operational/process requests. For example, if a client tells us they’ve started using a new tool or want to add a service and a process needs to be established or documenting we create a process ticket and our onboarding team handles these.

@Kari Hannum We use a method similar to what you described to track our ‘support tickets’ with our payroll platform. We have a designated work type and any time a support request is sent, we create a work item where we tag the related emails/notes. When the issue is solved, we complete the work item. That way we can see which items are still outstanding and may need follow up.

@jens Thank you for the feedback.

Hi @Kari Hannum, that’s a great question.

Our outsourced IT has a ticket system that we use, so emails come in through triage and there’s a timeline for IT emails because they are a contact, but I have a login to their ticket system and track those issues there.

If there’s something particularly important, I create a note and keep it in My Week for follow-up, but that’s rare.

I’m curious how other people handle it.
