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I am looking for a client booking & scheduling system which integrates with office 365 and Wix.  I want to be able to send them a Jot form to prefill and submit before the meeting. ?

Any recommendations would be helpful.

Hi @Anjana Jogi, welcome to the Karbon community!

We use Calendly, and like it quite a bit, but I don’t know about Wix. Are you talking about embedding it? If so, then Calendly might be worth looking into if you haven’t already.

There’s a feature recently released that I have not used where people answer questions and get routed to certain people/team’s calendar based on their responses. It might handle what you are trying to do with your Jot form. I’m not sure. 😁

Microsoft Bookings is also worth considering. We replaced Calendly with it about 18 months ago. It didn’t have all the features Calendly did then, but enough to get by (and we’d switched from Zoom to Teams  at the time which was part of the driver as well). It has more features now.

In terms of a form, if the Jot form is a link, you could setup the confirmation email to contain the link and then it goes automatically to the person when the book the meeting.

I’m not sure about the Wix integration though (or how you’d like to it to work) 🙂

We use Calendly and can’t recommend it enough!

Thank you all for your help. @Jenna Coffinger @SamG @max I really appreciate all your time you took to message this thread.

For the time being I decided just to go with Microsoft booking and lets see how i go.

Thanks once again
