
Administrative tasks completed after tax return due date will make the overall work overdue (but return was filed timely)

  • 30 June 2022
  • 8 replies

Current process is provide clients with draft return (watermarked draft) to review, once approved they sign the efile signatures. The returns are then efiled, and after getting acceptance confirmations we upload the final copy of the returns (without draft watermark) to the client portal. 

I’ve set the due date for tax returns as the statutory due date, but some of the tasks included in the workflow might be completed AFTER the due date (waiting on acceptance from taxing authorities, providing client with final copy of the return, etc) which when marked as completed/done after the statutory due date will show the overall work as overdue and the reports/insights will show as such. 

I obviously do not want to change the due date because that is when the tax returns are due, but how are you guys tracking other administrative tasks that may occur after the tax return deadline? Do you end the workflow tasks at filing the returns and create another task for the administrative tasks with your internal firm due date (and if so, can this be done automatically/triggered once the tax return task is completed?)?

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Hi @Gabby Ng, welcome to the Karbon community! 😀

That’s a great question. You have a few options:

  1. Allow the work item to go late, which is the option you have chosen. This will trash your insights reports, but is the simplest approach.
  2. Use an automation to move the due date of the work to some time in the future after your “File” section is complete (10 days may be reasonable). This also gives not quite correct information.
  3. Vote for a statutory due date features: 

I know those are not great answers, and I’m curious to read about how other firms handle this situation.

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

I can see a need for a filing due date on a template and a finish work due date. Even quick a way to see when the status was changed to filed, without having to dive into the timeline. Then the due date for the work could extend beyond the filing/promised due date.




Userlevel 7
Badge +10

YES!  My team hates to see their Insights trashed.  

We are experimenting with setting up a secondary work order for work that is stalled for any reason - it is an administrative burden so not loved but to keep Insights in check I do have a few team members who use it.

We have a Completed status called Held Over - Documented so the original work order is completed.  It is than on the owner of the work to create the new work order with the outstanding tasks and a new due date.  The explanation for the ‘extension’ is noted in both work orders.

In the case you described could you have the secondary work order for the follow up tasks set up at the same time as the work order with the statutory deadline. And the second work order to start on the statutory deadline with all the admin type tasks with an appropriate due date.  If you do this you would not have the administrative burden of creating the second work order, just using it or cancelling it if not needed.

Thinking out loud here on your scenario but I have found success in splitting up some of our standard work orders to allow for due dates and work being done concurrently by different roles - we have a lot of work order templates.  I have also voted for the feature request! 

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

@Gabby Ng 

Karbon, in its current development, is not the best application for tracking due dates the way you would like (or a lot of us would like). There has been talk of future iterations having more date fields available which may be helpful (e.g. statutory vs internal). Would also love the ability to actually change the Completion date internally rather than it being a fixed field controlled by Karbon.

All that said, I use the dates to provide me with what I feel is important to track and I do not rely on the insights to provide me any actual insight. Tax work uses the statutory due date initially, which we change/revise once we have received a customers documentation. The due date is then changed to our best estimate of when we will complete the return based on our current workload. If that due date is missed by us then it really does not matter as it was missed. If it is the customer that causes the miss, the work due date is moved out the number of days the customer takes to finish up their review and/or sign. This at least provides us with some information on how we are doing.

Userlevel 6
Badge +10

@Gabby Ng we struggle with this too!  @max thanks for linking my feature request!!

One modification we have made to help with insights is that all our admin follow up statuses have been moved to be sub-statuses of the Complete status.  

Once our return has been e-filed, the next status in line is Follow-Up, which the automation selects.  Because Follow-Up is under the Complete status, the work is now considered complete.  I think once the work is “complete” from the insight perspective, the clock stops and the insights won’t be trashed.  I could totally be wrong on that, as we are just diving into Insights, but might be worth a try to test out on your work process and see if this helps!  


Userlevel 7
Badge +19

The problem we run into with marking the work as complete in a sub-status is that the client requests all go dead and our last step is to deliver the client copies of the tax return for pickup. We have several work types with a similar workflow. The client pickup client tasks need to stay alive and I’m not willing to split those tasks to a different work item (at least for now). So, we don’t use our insights at all at this point. 😕

Userlevel 5
Badge +9

The problem we run into with marking the work as complete in a sub-status is that the client requests all go dead and our last step is to deliver the client copies of the tax return for pickup. We have several work types with a similar workflow. The client pickup client tasks need to stay alive and I’m not willing to split those tasks to a different work item (at least for now). So, we don’t use our insights at all at this point. 😕

Will the client now have access to that historical data with the new client request login?

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

Yes, they will. 😀
