Adding Assigned Work to My Week

  • 6 February 2023
  • 8 replies

I would love when I am assigned a work project which then shows up in my triage to be able to then add it to my work week. That way I can take the final step to working out of my work week instead of living through filtered Work Projects in the “Work” tab. This would allow me to map out exactly what work I need to get done and when during my week. As well as make it easy to add these work items as time slots in my calendar. I like the My Week tab but as it is currently implemented is too limiting. During the tax season I am managing work projects not emails or notes which is what is currently in My Week.

8 replies

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@Dalton Hays any work item assigned to you should already show up in My Week - have you checked the To Plan tab? Or are you wanting to be able to see which week it’s already in/move it to This Week from Triage?

The “To Plan” tab doesn’t help manage work assigned to me. It is extremely limited in how you can filter the work and it shows all work in the firm that I have tasks assigned to me, even if the work item isn't ready for me to start or even if I have already completed my role and shouldn't even be in the To Plan (I understand that if i went through and cleared all of those items out then they would not be in my week anymore but a filter would be significantly more helpful and waste less time). It takes too much effort to manage the To Plan tab. Whereas I was wanting a way to add work to my Week when they are assigned to me (when they are actually ready for me to start my work). The only way the To Plan would be useful is if I could filter out all other statuses so that just “Prep” shows up. As of right now I can only filter by “In Progress” and “Ready to start”, there are almost 20 possible statuses in those two Main statuses, so to try to manage out of the My Week/ To Plan I would need to scroll through mostly work that doesn't actually involve me yet/or anymore to get to current work I am doing.

Userlevel 7
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@Dalton Hays I’ll see if I can unpack a couple of things here, and maybe loop in a couple of other MyWeek experts!

Whereas I was wanting a way to add work to my Week when they are assigned to me (when they are actually ready for me to start my work).

These settings in Repeating Work and also how you use automators to assign work/tasks have a lot of impact on when things appear in MyWeek.

  • If work is created too early, the work assignee will end up with a lot of future work in their MyWeek/To Plan, but on the flipside if it’s created too last minute, it reduces the ability to plan.
  • If tasks are created too early, you not only run the risk of work item edits not pulling through into future repeats, but this also determines when the work will show up for those who have tasks assigned to them, but the work item is assigned to someone else.
  • Plan Work For is a big one that will move work into the specific week instead of leaving it all in To Plan. I’m not totally clear on when it will be planned if you only have tasks assigned, and the tasks are assigned say 2 or 3 weeks after the work start date. @max you do a lot of testing - do you have clarity on this at all?
    • This option is also only available for repeating work, but there’s a feature request here to add this for one-off work 


The only way the To Plan would be useful is if I could filter out all other statuses so that just “Prep” shows up. As of right now I can only filter by “In Progress” and “Ready to start”, there are almost 20 possible statuses in those two Main statuses, so to try to manage out of the My Week/ To Plan I would need to scroll through mostly work that doesn't actually involve me yet/or anymore to get to current work I am doing.

Agree that more granular status filters are needed and I’m not the only one - here’s a feature request for it. If you haven’t already, vote for it, but I would also suggest adding a comment!

it shows all work in the firm that I have tasks assigned to me, even if the work item isn't ready for me to start or even if I have already completed my role and shouldn't even be in the To Plan

This does sound frustrating! If the work is completed (either fully complete, or you’ve completed your part) these should be moved to the Done bucket. When first starting with MyWeek, especially if you’ve been with Karbon for some time, there is an initial clean-up needed to move old work to Done as all work created since MyWeek was released will be in ToPlan. If that hasn’t been done, it will definitely be much harder to find what’s relevant, and then if ToPlan isn’t reviewed reguarly it will of course build up again.

The other thing to look at is how tasks are assigned. At our firm we prefer to have all tasks assigned at once (when they are first created), but I know many other firms have a just-in-time method where automators assign tasks (or reassign the work) to the next person only when the previous section(s) is complete. This should also prevent work showing in MyWeek too soon if you have no involvement in the work until it’s ready for you. If you use these combined with the Plan Work For setting I noted, you may find this helps automate MyWeek a bit more for you!


@Victoria Peters from memory, you’re also pretty knowledgeable about MyWeek - do you have anything add?


@Dalton Hays There are definitely improvements needed for MyWeek (and there are a lot of related feature requests) but hopefully some of the above helps in the meantime! If you haven’t already, you could also schedule a meeting with your CSM who would be able to look deeper into your specific case as well and give some suggestions.

Userlevel 7
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Hi @Dalton Hays, welcome to the Karbon community! 😊

Here are a couple things that may help:

  • If a work item has tasks assigned to you, it’ll show up in To Plan.
    •  had a great suggestion to have tasks assigned using an automation to keep things popping in at the right time

If you move work to “Done” and it gets reassigned to you, it’ll come back into “This Week.” These steps may help keep things cleaned up:

  • Assign work throughout the workflow to the appropriate person using automations
  • Assign tasks to individuals in real-time with automations (great suggestion, @Rebecca Williams)
  • Move work that isn’t assigned to you to “Done” unless you want to check on its progress at a certain point (if so, move to that week)
  • Wait for work to pop back into “this week” when it’s assigned to you
  • Plan Work For is a big one that will move work into the specific week instead of leaving it all in To Plan. I’m not totally clear on when it will be planned if you only have tasks assigned, and the tasks are assigned say 2 or 3 weeks after the work start date. @max you do a lot of testing - do you have clarity on this at all?​​​​​

I believe this only impacts the person selected in the recurring week settings. We normally put a manager in that, so all recurring work gets assigned to a manager by default, pops in their My Week, and they divide up the work from there or fill in with extra capacity if needed.


Userlevel 7
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Oops, lol. Ignore all of this:

Here are a couple things that may help:

  • If a work item has tasks assigned to you, it’ll show up in To Plan.
    •  had a great suggestion to have tasks assigned using an automation to keep things popping in at the right time


Userlevel 7
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I really need a filter for My Week where it will show only work items currently assigned to me.  I put in a feature request for this a while back.  If this is something you would love also, please go vote for it.


Userlevel 7
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@Dalton Hays I made a feature request for the work assignment notification that comes into Triage, and one of things I noted was being able to see and change which MyWeek bucket the work currently sits so that might also help with part of your issue


Userlevel 7
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Hi @Dalton Hays 

I have found that the thing about My Week is a commitment to stay on top of it and managing some of the nuances in its current state can be time consuming.

I personally do not like to leave anything in To Plan so when I see anything there, I will move it to the week I want it to be.  I also spend time moving and managing the This Week bucket at least twice a week.

We use automators to move work through different team members, I have found that even when there are no tasks currently assigned it will show up in My Week for all team members with future tasks in the week that the Work is planned, not when it’s actually applicable to them.

Tasks will be assigned when the automator is triggered.  This has been bothering me so I just created a Feature Idea - it may be a little out there but why not dream!

I love all of the other insights in this thread, not sure I have anything else to add right now, but I am following.

