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This script is designed to run in Zapier and works as a replacement for the prebuilt find contact zap with additional logic to deal with different clients who use the same email

it sends a request to the Karbon API to fetch a list of contacts using a provided email address.

The script will return the first contact in the list from the API
that matches both the provided first name and last name

Example Usage

In our business we have a number of clients who are couples sharing the same email address, this script helps us automatically create work items in Karbon using a similar method using Zapier for the correct client who books with us on Calendly

creation of Karbon work items can be done via API requests using Zapier's built-in HTTP request functions, Hopefully I can release a tutorial on this in future

Hope this helps someone

Check the README in the repo I shared for setup instructions 

/** NOTE

* putting your auth and key here is not best practice for security 

* but as far as im aware this is the only way to use a script like this in zapier

* without building a custom solution though the developer platform.

* Please ensure you understand the security implications of this and do not expose your auth and key publicly.


const AUTH = 'Bearer <your auth here>'

const KEY = '<your key here>'

// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars

const output = {} // Initialize output

// // you can uncomment this code and put in any test data if you wish to test in a local environment 

// const inputData = {

//   contactEmail: '',

//   contactFirstName: 'John',

//   contactLastName: 'Smith'

// }

// declare variables for contact information here for easier access in global scope

let contactEmail 

let contactFirstName

let contactLastName

// Trim contact information from inputData

// Check if required input data is provided

try {

  contactEmail = inputData.contactEmail.trim().toLowerCase()

  contactFirstName = inputData.contactFirstName.trim().toLowerCase()

  contactLastName = inputData.contactLastName.trim().toLowerCase()

  console.log("looking for \n")




} catch (error) {

  if (error instanceof TypeError) {

    return 'Error: Missing required input data for contact information. Please provide contact email, first name, and last name.', error

  } else {

    return 'Error: ', error




 * Fetches all contacts from Karbon API with provided contact email.

 * @returns {Promise<Object>} 

 *  promise that resolves to an object containing metadata 

 *  and an array `value` containing contact objects.


const fetchData = async () => {

  const baseURL = ''

  const email = `${contactEmail}`

  const url = `${baseURL}Contacts?$filter=contains(EmailAddress, '${email}')`

  const request = await fetch(url, {

    method: 'GET',

    headers: {

      Accept: 'application/json',

      Authorization: AUTH,

      AccessKey: KEY



  return await request.json()


// Call fetchData() and findContactByName() functions .then return the result

// done in this manner due to the way the script runs in zapiers enviroment

return fetchData()

  // DEBUG

  .then(response => {

      console.log("\nFull Response:", response);

      return response;  // Pass the response to the next .then()


  .then(response => {

    // Call function with response object and contact names 

    const contact = findContactByName(response, contactFirstName, contactLastName)

    if (contact) {

      console.log({ found: true, contactFound: contact })

      return {

        found: true,

        message: 'Contact is found',

        contactFound: contact


    } else {

      // console.log()

      console.log( { found: false, message: "Contact not found" })

      return {

        found: false,

        message: 'Contact not found',

        contactFound: contact





 * takes the fetchData() response and contact names as arguments

 * and returns the contact object if found else undefined.

 * @param {Object} response    - Response object containing contacts.

 * @param {string} firstName   - contact's first name.

 * @param {string} lastName    - contact's last name.

 * @returns {Object|undefined} - contact object else undefined.


function findContactByName(response, firstName, lastName) {

  // using .find() to return the first contact that matches the condition

  return response.value.find(contact => {

    // defining parameters for the .find() function

    // Split FullName into parts

    let cresponseLastName, responseFirstAndMiddleName] = contact.FullName.split(', ')


    responseLastName = responseLastName.toLowerCase().trim()

    responseFirstAndMiddleName = responseFirstAndMiddleName.toLowerCase().trim()


    // Compare both names

    return responseLastName === lastName && responseFirstAndMiddleName.startsWith(firstName)




Hi @Zach Holmes, this is pretty cool. With this much effort, why are you using Zapier? I would assume/bet you have the skills to get something working in Azure with a function app and it would be significantly less expensive than Zapier.

Hi @Zach Holmes, this is pretty cool. With this much effort, why are you using Zapier? I would assume/bet you have the skills to get something working in Azure with a function app and it would be significantly less expensive than Zapier.

Hey Max, you're definitely correct
The main reasons we use Zapier is 

  1. using prebuilt Zaps is usually good enough and often quite fast to get a solution  
  2. scripting and other Zapier custom API requests extends the capability of prebuilt zaps substantially
  3. non-technical staff can use Zapier and have access to the extended functionality that a custom solution provides  

Furthermore, I am in the process of moving jobs (over a period of time) so Zapier is a platform i can train one of our more technically minded staff members to maintain and extend 
