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Karbon Community Etiquette - How should we handle community conversations and questions?

  • 11 October 2021
  • 0 replies

I love the Karbon community. I’ve already learned so much from many of you. As the community grows, I’m curious to know what y’all think about maintaining a set of etiquette standards. I’ll update this first post from comments to try to keep a concise and relevant list at the top of this page.

I don’t really know how we’ll decide what gets accepted. Maybe I’ll post a poll or something and we can vote on rules that get proposed that way. This is an experiment, so go easy on me if it’s clunky, lol.


Accepted Rules:

  • None

Proposed Rules:

  • Edit posts to expand or add information, do not post back-to-back comments (it messes with the points) - @max 
  • If your question is answered, mark the comment as the best answer (this helps keep the community tidy and up-to-date) - @max 
  • If your answer is chosen as the best answer but other comments had important information, edit your comment to add that info, crediting the author (this helps new people searching for answers to get the whole picture without digging through the entire thread) - @max 
  • Search, then ask (this helps keep out duplicate topics that have already been answered) - @max


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