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Favorite Work Flow Statuses

  • 28 September 2021
  • 4 replies

We recently added a new work flow status of “Info Received”.  We had a lot of clients in the “Waiting for Client” status and noticed that sometimes the information had been received, but the work owner was never notified or they missed the tag.  When we receive information from a client that allows the work to continue (especially with tax returns), we change the status to “Info Received”.  This allows everyone to see that the item is ready for the next step and we can clearly see it in our work views.

I was wondering, what work flow statuses do you have that have been helpful?

We have set up an internal person called ‘completed’ and when the payroll work has been sent to clients, we change the person assigned to as ‘completed’

This is because clients weren’t able to access their information once the job had been marked completed and closed down. Some people are just more organised than others.

So we now hold these jobs open for an additional month - on Friday, I will ask my team to close down the August payroll meaning that September will still be open.

We have something similar for Tax work that is planned (usually generated by repeating work).  It is all assigned to Tax Placeholder until it is ready to start.  Then we have automators that move it to the person assigned the first task.  This keeps our work views from being cluttered up with work that has generated, but won’t start until after January 1st.  Everyone loves Tax Placeholder.  This also allows you to view all work assigned to Tax Placeholder in a work view.

I was wondering, what work flow statuses do you have that have been helpful?

We have three statuses at Planned, relevant to what you mentioned 🙂

And then two at Waiting:

The Planned ones being for when we haven’t actually started, the Waiting ones being for when we have.

@Coral re: your “completed” person - have you changed this since the portal was released and client can access tasks for completed work?

We do a similar thing, but we have a Waiting status called Delivered to Client or something - this tells us there is no further work but keeps the work/client task open. Same as you, once a month (ish) our admin team goes and closes out any that the client hasn’t checked off so they aren’t sitting open forever!


One useful thing we’ve done is ensure any status indicating we need something from a client is named with the prefix “CB:” for Client Blocker - this makes them easy to distinguish from internal waiting statuses. Also makes it easy to filter out (or in) when doing more detailed analysis in a spreadsheet! 
