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To date, we have released multiple Karbon Practice Intelligence workbooks that support you in managing your firm. The newest addition measures work outstanding.



Need to know how much work is left to complete in the coming days, weeks, or months? Or, more importantly, if the workload is well-balanced amongst your team members and is able to be completed on time? The Work Outstanding workbook helps you answer these questions quickly and easily–before work becomes overdue. 

Firm owners, managers, and team leads can quickly see the work remaining and how it’s distributed across your team (work items, tasks, and budget hours). This provides the ability to balance workloads or reassign responsibilities so work is prioritized, which saves you both time and effort when managing your work. 


Rather than navigating through unorganized information, or creating your own extracts of data to support your standups, this workbook focuses on the work that needs your attention or is at risk of not being completed on time. 

As with all of the new workbooks, you get access to your data through KPI. This newest release means there is a new table available in your Snowflake account. The Work Item Internal Task Details is now available and provides you with a snapshot of all your tasks. This allows you to gain better insight into the work distribution across team members at more granular levels. Our help article will guide you through getting access to this table in existing KPI Workbooks.

The other suite of workbooks includes:


Stay on track and under budget by measuring performance, including tracking both time and costs against each work item budget. This provides the ability to manage ongoing work and identify where you are close to going over budget, so you can intervene before it’s too late. It also helps you analyze work over budget and understand both the impact and root causes. 



Understand your emails from both a volume and response time perspective by filtering out the noise so you can see insights into your high-volume clients. This workbook also provides a true measure of your response time to and from your clients, meaning you can effectively measure your service level agreements while also understanding how effective clients are at getting back to you.



See your time data how you need it. This is flexible and provides you with the means to aggregate your data based on the attributes that make sense for you. Whether that’s the individual raw time entries or an aggregate view by week, client, user, work type, role, task type, or work item, this workbook can answer all your time-related questions.


If you’re not already using Karbon Practice Intelligence, speak with your Customer Success Manager or Sales Executive to learn how KPI can help your firm excel.

Hi @Dee Johns, sounds great, but where is the download link for the workbook?

Thanks. All of these is not of much use, if the underlying feature and data and data dimension is not improved. Additionally, there is still no triage analysis, I think triage analysis is more important than email, like how the staff use triage, if they clear triage everyday, how often then assign email in time? etc.

More importantly, Please focus on the feature development, there are a lot to do in contacts, access level, work templates etc. etc.

Looking forward to next new feature update more than this dataset update, it has been more than 1 month from last update, hopefully there will be lots of good things worth waiting. 

@MikeLiang the Karbon team is working on triage insights. 

@davideigner   That is great to know.

Hi @SamG - the workbook links are emailed directly to customers along with their credentials. I’ll circle back to you and provide what you need.

Thanks @Dee Johns, last time when Time workbook was released I received an email from you, this time I didn’t

@SamG you should have received an email from me today - please email me if you didnt receive it. 

@Dee Johns With the Work Outstanding workbook, repeating things like payrolls, the tasks and budget don't create until the job start date. I can see all our future work due until the end of this month, but most have no remaining budgeted hours. Should I be changing all our repeats so the tasks (and time budgets) create straight away? I think perhaps this is a hangover from the To Do list, and not wanting to fill it with tasks. But also if changes get made to the template we don't have to reset all the future work items.

Any suggestions on best practice? Or a quick way to update all our repeating jobs, ahhh


Hi @Gillian Kirkman thank you for your comment. I will let @Logan Baillie answer your questions, he is the Product Manager and expert in KPI.

Hi @Gillian Kirkman, The answer to this question depends on the specific needs of your firm. Generally, it is best to create work in advance to take advantage of features such as the ability to assign emails to and apply notes against the work timeline in advance of it commencing. However, the further in advance work is created, the greater number of items the assignee of the work would have in ‘To Plan’ within MyWeek, which can be a cause of frustration. 

In terms of how this cascades to KPI and the Work Outstanding or Repeating Work Workbook, work will need to be created as far in advance as you want to manage it. If you have many repeating work/tasks that are cluttering your space and causing confusion, then the period for creating work should be shorter. However, if you need visibility into the work coming next month or beyond, then you should consider creating work further in advance so you have visibility into what is coming. 

To update your repeating jobs, I will reach out via email so we can discuss the best path forward.