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Karbon AI email brand tone (beta)

The latest Karbon AI feature allows you to set and standardize your firm’s email brand tone at the firm level. This will give you and your staff members the confidence that they’re communicating in a consistent and quality-controlled manner.

This feature is currently in beta. If you’d like to request access to the beta program and help shape its development before the official release, please register your interest.


View payment activities on invoices

A new Payments tab has been added to invoices in Karbon Billing to help you track payment activities on any given invoice more easily.

To view all payment activities associated with an invoice, go to Billing > Invoices and select the invoice you wish to view. Once the invoice is selected, you’ll get the full history of payment activities in the Payments tab.


Invoice action menu adjustment

The invoice action menu has been moved to the top of the invoice details screen to make your invoice management experience more intuitive.


Check off tasks and client tasks in Triage

If you’ve turned on the new Triage experience, you’ll notice that you can now mark tasks and client tasks as Completed directly from Triage without having to navigate to the associated work item.


New releases to Karbon’s API

Karbon’s API has received two updates—a billedStatus flag in TimeEntries API and new endpoints to List and Download files.

The new billedStatus flag gives API users the ability to see if a time entry has been billed or is in the process of being billed.

The new endpoints to List and Download files allow API users to list the files stored against a Contact or a Work Item, and optionally download those files. You can read more about these API releases in the Karbon Developer Center.


Previous releases

If you missed an update, you can still see a list of what we released in Karbon. For API releases, see the Karbon Developer Center.


I especially like the new payment tab and change to the invoice action menu!

Karbon AI email brand tone (beta)

The latest Karbon AI feature allows you to set and standardize your firm’s email brand tone at the firm level. This will give you and your staff members the confidence that they’re communicating in a consistent and quality-controlled manner.

This feature is currently in beta. If you’d like to request access to the beta program and help shape its development before the official release, please register your interest.

This is interesting, however, I’m overall underwhelmed by the quality of Karbon AI email drafts.


View payment activities on invoices

A new Payments tab has been added to invoices in Karbon Billing to help you track payment activities on any given invoice more easily.

To view all payment activities associated with an invoice, go to Billing > Invoices and select the invoice you wish to view. Once the invoice is selected, you’ll get the full history of payment activities in the Payments tab.



I love this and will explore it more thoroughly.


New releases to Karbon’s API

Karbon’s API has received two updates—a billedStatus flag in TimeEntries API and new endpoints to List and Download files.

The new billedStatus flag gives API users the ability to see if a time entry has been billed or is in the process of being billed.

The new endpoints to List and Download files allow API users to list the files stored against a Contact or a Work Item, and optionally download those files. You can read more about these API releases in the Karbon Developer Center.

I am excited about this. I have a dream of one day all my files finding their way to our DMS more quickly.

I like the task mark as complete ability within triage. For me personally it would be great to have somewhere in triage to be able to add an assignment to ‘MyWeek’. At present I have to go into each assignment individually from my triage to do so. 


New releases to Karbon’s API


I am excited about this. I have a dream of one day all my files finding their way to our DMS more quickly.

Let me know if there’s anything else you’d love to see in this Files API space.

I like the task mark as complete ability within triage. For me personally it would be great to have somewhere in triage to be able to add an assignment to ‘MyWeek’. At present I have to go into each assignment individually from my triage to do so. 

Hi Adam. Can you tell me a bit more about this? When you add an email to My Week what follow up do you need to do to complete the work e.g. is it a reply or is other work involved in being able to mark the email assignment as done?

I like the task mark as complete ability within triage. For me personally it would be great to have somewhere in triage to be able to add an assignment to ‘MyWeek’. At present I have to go into each assignment individually from my triage to do so. 

Hi Adam. Can you tell me a bit more about this? When you add an email to My Week what follow up do you need to do to complete the work e.g. is it a reply or is other work involved in being able to mark the email assignment as done?

Hi Amelia

Not emails sorry - I mean work assignments. Emails show up in triage with the ability to add to my week, but work assignments do not - You need to open the work assignment, go into details tab and then add to your own MyWeek. 


New releases to Karbon’s API


I am excited about this. I have a dream of one day all my files finding their way to our DMS more quickly.

Let me know if there’s anything else you’d love to see in this Files API space.

I think a webhook for file uploads would be nice.

Tangentially related, I’d also like a webhook for when client requests are sent (we are experimenting with increasing our human-to-human contact with clients by calling them along with client requests, and I’d like to kick in a note assigned to my admin staff). I know this is an edge case, so feel free to ignore that one, lol.

I like the task mark as complete ability within triage. For me personally it would be great to have somewhere in triage to be able to add an assignment to ‘MyWeek’. At present I have to go into each assignment individually from my triage to do so. 

Hi Adam. Can you tell me a bit more about this? When you add an email to My Week what follow up do you need to do to complete the work e.g. is it a reply or is other work involved in being able to mark the email assignment as done?

Hi Amelia

Not emails sorry - I mean work assignments. Emails show up in triage with the ability to add to my week, but work assignments do not - You need to open the work assignment, go into details tab and then add to your own MyWeek. 

Hi Adam. Thanks for that clarification. If you receive a work assignment in Triage (as in a work item is now assigned to you) it will already be in your My Week. If the work is on a schedule, the planned week will be based on the start date of the work e.g. this week, next etc. If you need to change the week, you will need to go into My Week or to the work item.