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Resend invoices, deadlines, new Triage design and more.

Related products: Triage Work Billing & Payments Intelligence API

Automate payment chasing by quickly resending invoices in bulk. Filter and sort work items by external deadlines. A new design coming to Triage. And exciting enhancements to KPI.

Resend invoices

This latest Karbon billing functionality allows you to quickly resend one or multiple invoices to your clients.

To resend invoices, navigate to Billing > Invoices > Awaiting Payment and select the invoices you’d like to resend. Once you hit the resend button, your client will receive a payment email with a secure link to pay for the invoice. You can do the same with paid invoices by going to Billing > Invoices > Paid and resend from there.


Updates to external deadline (beta)

The ability to add external deadlines to a work item, such as a tax filing date, was released to beta in the last Karbon update.

In this release, deadline is added as a data field in your Work view to help you and your team better plan, visualize, and prioritize your work.

Sort work by deadline in the Kanban and List view

Go to Work > Work View Settings > Columns > Deadline, and all work items will automatically rearrange.

Similarly, you can sort all work items in ascending or descending deadlines in the List view by simply clicking the Deadline column.


Filter work by deadlines

Besides sorting by deadlines, you can also use deadline date as a filter. The deadline filter provides several options, including the ability to filter by week, month, a given date range, or a given number of days of your choice.

It’s a highly flexible and effective way for you to quickly visualize and manage projects by their external deadlines.


Access deadline as a data field through Karbon WorkItems API

The WorkItems API has been extended to include deadline dates—enabling API users to view, set, and update a deadline date on any work item. You’ll find a guide to using deadline dates on the WorkItems API in the API release notes section of the Karbon Developers site.

The deadline field and all related functionality is still open to beta testers. If you’d like to join, sign up here


New Triage layouts: split and list (beta)

In case you missed it, Triage is getting a new design that provides two layouts: List and Split.

The list layout will feel familiar to Gmail users, where all your emails and notifications are displayed in a compact list view. The split layout is more similar to Outlook, with a preview pane in the middle. You can easily toggle between the two layouts and use the one that’s most comfortable for you.

The new Triage design doesn’t change any existing functionality. It’s strictly a user experience upgrade to make the Triage experience more intuitive and familiar to you.

This feature is currently in beta. If you’re interested, sign up here.


Record VAT numbers for UK and South African sole trader clients

In case you missed it, a new VAT number field has been added for UK and South African people contacts. This allows you to use a single record for sole trader clients.

When ‘Self Employed’ is chosen for the contact’s employment status, the VAT Number field will appear in Details > Accounting Details > Basics.


View the role of other contacts linked to organizations

You can now view the role of other contacts linked to an organization contact to quickly see the relationship each contact holds to the organization.

This information is available in the Details section of organization contacts.


Manage Karbon Practice Intelligence (KPI) users in-app

If you’re the KPI admin, you can now directly manage user access to KPI within the Intelligence tab. Simply go to Intelligence > Manage Access and choose to add or remove users.

If you require additional users to be granted the KPI Admin role, please reach out to


Save custom views in KPI (beta)

KPI embed beta users are now able to save custom views in each dashboard, just like the saved views in the Work area.

You can create, save, and manage your own views in each KPI dashboard and these custom views will persist in every dashboard. This functionality gives you more control, freedom, and speed to access the reporting you need.


Access hidden and private contacts with the Karbon API

Karbon API access can now be configured to return hidden and/or private contacts and associated work.

Given the sensitivity around hidden and private contacts, this feature is disabled by default, but can be enabled for your firm by our support team.

Previous releases

If you missed an update, you can still see a list of what we released in Karbon. For API releases, see the Karbon Developer Center.

Woo hoo! Lots of great and necessary updates here Karbon 🙌🏾

Really looking forward to Deadlines, Triage redesign. The resend invoices, seeing roles of contacts and managing KPI users in app are all much needed additions as well 🙂

Can you please add deadlines to Repeat setting?

Can you please add deadlines to Repeat setting?

Hi @Mike - rest assured that this is definitely the plan! We plan to add this to the Deadlines beta in the next release (due late February). There’s some additional info in the Deadlines Feature Idea - if you’ve signed up for the beta, please head over there and let us know what you think.

Interested in the Triage redesign! Will shared triage come bundled in that release? Very much looking forward to that feature

Love the deadline filter.  We are still waiting for the shared Triage.  Hope that is coming soon.

Excited for Deadlines


Was excited to see what’s new for Triage, but I’m not sure that’s an improvement. Not trying to be negative, as I am technically complimenting what is currently live. I can currently see in one glance (subject, work item, client name, last comment, etc) what seems like I may need to go between the 2 views to see.

The split view means I need to click on the item to see the last comment or context as there isn’t enough room to show it on the left nav bar. Looks like we’d need to click on the item to even see there is a comment per the video. That’s more clicking around. 

For the list view, it seems to be making the rows more compact so the work item and client seem to almost merge with the text of of the item rather than being below the subject which is easier to pick up quickly.

Perhaps it will look a bit better when there are Comments on the items. The demo video didn’t show any blue comments on the items other than that split view click.

Interested in the Triage redesign! Will shared triage come bundled in that release? Very much looking forward to that feature

Same! Was supposed to be rolling out within the last couple of weeks… 🤔🤞🏾

is the deadline update live ? i do not see it, but THANK YOU for resend of invoices !!!!

is the deadline update live ? i do not see it, but THANK YOU for resend of invoices !!!!

@Bruce Caulk you can request beta access here 🙂

The deadline field and all related functionality is still open to beta testers. If you’d like to join, sign up here


Can individuals within a firm have the option to use the old triage while some use new?

Can individuals within a firm have the option to use the old triage while some use new?

Hi @Ashliegh Evelyn we won’t be supporting the old Triage when the new Triage is out, so all users will have it. However, we will not be releasing the new Triage until our beta customers are happy and we are confident it is better than the existing one. 

I would really love the option to use the old triage design or if the list option was more like the old triage and then people can choose split if they wanted. Not sure if this is possible, but I’m not a huge fan of clicking into an email and it fills almost the whole screen without being able to see the other emails. Or having to click out of the email I’m in to see the other emails. I can see the appeal to the new design to other users, but I much prefer the old design as it seemed less cluttered.

A couple of things that have been driving me nuts on the new Triage - which is otherwise a big improve -  are the following:

  • If you have more than a screen full of email messages in Split mode and you want to work from the bottom (oldest email) up, the triage jumps back to the top of the first page after every email interaction.  This is even more frustrating if there is more than one screen as it jumps tot he top of the first page.  S rolling is giving me RSI and it’s really annoying!
  • Is there a way to increase the pane size when viewing email messages in Split?  I have a lot of white space, particularly when viewing newsletters, and again it’s a scrolling issue.  To read a newsletter in a tiny letterbox of a window is uncomfortable. Image below of a lengthy email but I can only see the header.