Smart Suggestions with Karbon AI (beta)
Triage emails and work faster with Karbon AI’s latest Smart Suggestions feature.
With Smart Suggestions, you’ll automatically see a list of the most relevant and active work items and contacts displayed when adding emails to work and contact timelines.
From there, simply select the relevant work or contact timeline so you can spend less time searching and more time getting work done.
This feature is currently in beta and you can register to test it here.
The new Triage experience is live for all customers
The Triage redesign was introduced at the beginning of July. Today, every Karbon customer will be switched to the new Triage experience and the legacy Triage design is no longer available.
Learn more about how the new design benefits your email workflow. You can also contact if you need assistance.
New fields added for contacts in Jersey, the UK, and France
Several new fields have been added to the accounting details area of your People and Organization contacts.
If you have clients in Jersey, you can now select Jersey from the country dropdown list.
For the UK, you’ll see more entity types, including a charity number field.
For France, a searchable Code NAF field and several new entity fields are also added to make your client database more manageable.
Karbon API Updates
The Contacts and Organization listing endpoints can be now filtered by ContactType and you’re now able to provide a key to sign Webhook payloads to verify they’ve originated from Karbon.
You can read more about these API releases in the Karbon Developer Center.
Previous releases
If you missed an update, you can still see a list of what we released in Karbon. For API releases, see the Karbon Developer Center.