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Karbon’s new Triage is here to make your email workflow more intuitive, flexible, and efficient.

After six months of beta testing with hundreds of customers, the new Triage is officially available for everyone to turn on. By mid-August, the new Triage experience will automatically be applied to every Karbon account.


What’s new in Triage?

  • Split view. If you are more familiar with a side-by-side email view, such as how Microsoft Outlook is laid out, you will appreciate the split view. It offers three columns to display more information and is designed for you to power through emails and notifications quickly.
  • A more compact list view. This view displays your emails and notifications as a list with reduced height for each item to help you scan and action Triage items more easily.
  • Option to switch back and forth. The two views are available at all times and you can toggle between them and choose what’s most comfortable for you depending on your priorities at any given time.
  • Overall usability enhancements. Many quality-of-life enhancements have been added based on customer feedback. These include faster load time for emails, instant return to previous conversations, and expanded emails by default.

How to try out the new Triage

If you’re an account admin, you will see an in-product notification that takes you to Settings to enable the new Triage experience. 

Please note that once you turn on the new experience, it will apply to all users on your account and the change is irreversible.

Learn more about the new Triage and its benefits to your email workflow.


AI summarization of client timelines is available to all customers

All customers can now use Karbon AI to generate bulleted summaries of the latest emails, internal discussions, and notes on client timelines.

There’s no action needed from you to enable this feature. It will be available automatically on the Timeline tab of your people and organization contacts.


Pre-authorized debits (PAD) are available in Canada

Canadian customers can now collect payments on invoices using pre-authorized debits to lower your transaction fees.

When your clients pay an invoice, they can enter their bank account details to pay using direct debit. They can also save payment details to automatically pay for future invoices. Plus, you can request direct debit payment details in advance of work being done using the Request Payment Details feature.

Karbon Payments is available in the US, Australia, UK, New Zealand, and Canada. If you’re an account admin in one of those regions, you can go to Settings > Billing to set up your payments account and start getting paid faster. 


Track your profitability with the new Realization Dashboard

Karbon Practice Intelligence customers can better understand client and firm profitability with the new Realization Dashboard.

With your firm’s time entries, budgets, billing, and payments data in Karbon, the Realization Dashboard answers critical questions like:

  • “What is my firm’s realization for any time period?”
  • “What is my effective revenue rate by client?”
  • “What is my realization for each team member?”
  • “How has my realization changed over time?”

You can also view and filter your realization and effective revenue rates at various levels including Client Group, Client, Client Owner, Client Manager, Work Type, and Team Member to drill down and analyze your profitability at a granular level.


Void draft invoices

You can now void draft invoices to keep every invoice number in the system as an audit trail.

To void a draft invoice, go to Invoices > Draft and select the invoice you’d like to void using the three-dot menu next to the invoice.

Previous releases

If you missed an update, you can still see a list of what we released in Karbon. For API releases, see the Karbon Developer Center.

Great thanks! Now using new triage!  😀

New Triage looks great.  I can’t wait to see which view I prefer.  My gut is saying Split view but you never know.

I love the split view. Started using it right away and won’t go back. 😁

I enabled it and really don’t like it. Two questions: 1) Will this be the only option after it’s out of beta in August? 2) Is there a way to opt out of the beta today and disable? I shouldn’t have tried something new this particular week. We’re down to a skeleton crew and this change is slowing us down. I usually love trying new things, so it’s strange that I feel overwhelmed by this update...

Is it possible that the “list” view can have a bit more expansion of each tile? In the “old” view a really nice thing was being able to really quickly glance at multiple emails and get the context of each and be able to prioritise accordingly (the idea of triage)

Now that seems difficult as everything is right aligned next to a subject its hard to see a lot of information quickly. 

Hi @Megan Sells and @beaugaudron 

Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us regarding the latest Triage experience. I understand that change always takes some getting used to, and we truly appreciate your candid feedback.

The new Triage is released after a largely positive response from hundreds of customers who have been beta testing over the past seven months, and we have made tweaks along the way based on their feedback. The updated design and experience is intended to make it more efficient to navigate and handle email quickly, provide flexibility to accomodate those who prefer to manage their email in different ways, and also make the transition to Karbon easier for new customers who are more familiar with tools such as Outlook.

We welcome all feedback like this, and will continue to take it on board as we work on future improvements. It's unlikely that we'll introduce an option to use the legacy Triage design, as it's not realistic to maintain this user interface as the rest of the Karbon product improves and evolves around it. However if there are specific aspects that you really miss then we will make sure that feedback is factored into future product decisions.

Thanks again for the feedback and your support of Karbon

The old triage had a look and feel different from Outlook which I appreciated.  


We are impressed with the new AI summarization of client timelines and loving it, a member of the team has asked if you are able to add some dates to the summary so we can see at a glance when things had been discussed please?



We are impressed with the new AI summarization of client timelines and loving it, a member of the team has asked if you are able to add some dates to the summary so we can see at a glance when things had been discussed please?


Thanks @donnaCitrone we are considering this as well as adding links back to the specific conversation. Until then, you can see the last ten conversations directly below in the timeline if you need more detail. 

The new split view is a game changer - absolutely brilliant enhancement.  Definitely can’t go back to the old view now. I reckon it’s at lest 60% faster clearing emails and assigning to jobs etc than the old view.  Well done team!!!

Now if you can make it so we can sort Triage by sender etc it would be absolutely unstoppable.

Is there a way to correct, add to or delete the new AI summarization?  

AI summarization of client timelines

Further feedback from my team:

“It's a first world problem, but could you also provide the option of minimising and expanding the summary as the summary has taken up nearly the whole screen.  :)

Is there a way to correct, add to or delete the new AI summarization?  

@Jana When a new note or email is added to the last 10 conversations then the summary will be marked as “outdated” and you will be able to resummarise with the latest updates. 

I like the compact view of the new list, however I preferred how the email thread would open within the list in the old Triage. I don’t like how emails/client requests open in the new Triage so you can’t see the list when you are viewing an email/request. I know some will say then use split view, but I don’t like the split view personally. Too cluttered and too much like outlook which I am not a fan of.

Would there be any option to keep that method of opening emails/requests from the old Triage while having the compact view of the new list when items are closed?

I would also prefer that the work item and client name are on the left side under the contact/client request name so I can see at one glance what belongs to who.

Another feature that has been lost is the ability to mark client requests as complete or incomplete from within Triage. I now have to open the work item and find the request to change the status. Very unnecessary and time consuming and not something I had to do in the old Triage.

Appreciate all that the Karbon Team does to improve the product and make it as functional as possible for us all! :)

The new triage is awful and it’s even worse to navigate when you are on your phone. I’m not sure who asked for this but it would have been great if we had the option to keep the old triage. This is NOT a case of not wanting to change I love progress but ALL change is not good change. As the owner of the company I feel like I am paying too much $$$ to experience this kind of aggravation

I really don’t like the triage of the new version, it’s very hard to work with and I can’t see the emails properly. Please, go back to the old version or give the option to go back to the old for some people. Nothing was broken.

Please DEAR GOD add the ability to “sort” in triage!  Its such a basic function available in every email client. Its imperative for productivity.  Say I received 12 different threads pertaining to the “Jones account“, buried somewhere in 200 triage items. When Triage backs up, I’m forced to hunt for things related to Jones one by one to clear them. Wouldn’t it make more sense to allow sorting so you can review and clear together?

The simplest solution would be to add a filter in the global search for “triage items only”. Add a button to allow clearing from there. Quite literally begging for this. Thanking the Dev Team in advance :) 

PS, agreeing to bring back the expanded threads in list view. Seeing the thread in context to the rest of triage was ideal. Context switching and then losing the location of the thread is a step backwards. Easy fix! Please ? 

Myself and the rest of our team, having used the Karbon for a number of years, are finding the new Triage layout difficult to use and navigate. 

Key question: Will there be any ability to switch back to the old look, feel and functionality?  Please?

If not, then if you are going for more of an outlook feel, will there be options to add / remove columns, or change the formatting of columns so that you can create a View that allows a more organised feel in Triage please.  It is difficult to manage and feel in control with everything not being aligned, or being cut-off etc (and I am using a larger monitor).



On behalf of our team regarding the recent updates to the Triage layout in Karbon. After using Karbon for several years, we have found the new Triage interface challenging to use and navigate.

Please, go back to the old version or give the option to go back to the old style.



Not enjoying the new triage experience, can we please request for the original view to be an option.

This seems like a lesser version of Outlook - difficult to manage my emails, workflow with the new view, causing lots of anxiety!

Thank you