
Email Templates

Related products: Triage Settings

One of the most highly requested features by our community—email templates—are now available. These templates play a crucial role in ensuring consistency across all communications, including message content, tone, and brand identity, regardless of who is sending the email. 

Admins can create custom email templates for the entire firm to use. To access this feature, simply navigate to the Settings > Email Templates. From there, Admins can easily create and manage templates that reflect your firm's unique communication style and branding.

When composing, replying or forwarding an email, you'll find a dedicated icon in the messaging editor to easily apply an email template. If no templates are available, the icon will be inactive.

If you’ve selected a template but have changed your mind, click the icon again to select a different template.


A welcome addition and will mean less reliance on having to use email outside of Karbon.

Please add placeholders such as the work name, due date 

I find the limit of 4000 characters is very limiting even in the first template I created

Totally Agree - most of our templates are detailed instructions and 4000 words is limiting 

Agree here as well!!  My first template is 6798.  


Can we please have the email body character count increased?

While trying this feature out it will not allow us to save an email template once we enter information into the “email body” section.

While trying this feature out it will not allow us to save an email template once we enter information into the “email body” section.

Did you exceed the character limit? 🙂

Hi All 👋🏻 We totally heard you re character count and wanted to let you all know we have updated the character count limit to a much larger number!
Please let us know if you are still running into any saving issues 🙂

I have setup an email template but I don’t seem to have the option to select an email template within the task yet? 


I have setup an email template but I don’t seem to have the option to select an email template within the task yet? 


@Karla Hourigan where is this screenshot? 🙂

As far as I know, email templates are only available in New / Reply emails:


@Karla Hourigan adding a template to email tasks with be included in the next release :) 

Thanks @SamG - I spotted it on the tasks in the videos shared 🙂 Thanks @Hannah Faesenkloet for confirming this is coming. Do we have an approx. timeframe?

This may have been mentioned - but I did not see it - I would love for the list to be a drop down list.  I have saved the templates with names that I hope to remember - but would love a drop down.

This may have been mentioned - but I did not see it - I would love for the list to be a drop down list.  I have saved the templates with names that I hope to remember - but would love a drop down.

Vote for this @Dana Maxwell 🙂

This may have been mentioned - but I did not see it - I would love for the list to be a drop down list.  I have saved the templates with names that I hope to remember - but would love a drop down.

Vote for this @Dana Maxwell 🙂

Done!  Thanks for steering me there!

Good morning,

Is anyone else able to select more than one email template within an email?

I was attempting to reply to an email today containing two (2) questions from a client. I selected the first email template which populated. When I selected the second email template it actually replaced the first template within the email rather than being added to it.


@LD7E this sounds like the expected behaviour to me! You could create a feature request though if you think it would be helpful to use templates more as building blocks where you could “stack” multiple templates into an email.

I was attempting to reply to an email today containing two (2) questions from a client. I selected the first email template which populated. When I selected the second email template it actually replaced the first template within the email rather than being added to it.

Unlucky, I suspect that is working as designed. Not an ideal solution/workaround (until a feature request is created and implemented) but if you have Clipboard turned on, you could create the first part of the email from template, copy it to clipboard, create second part of email from template and then paste the first back in.

Good morning,

Is anyone else able to select more than one email template within an email?

I was attempting to reply to an email today containing two (2) questions from a client. I selected the first email template which populated. When I selected the second email template it actually replaced the first template within the email rather than being added to it.


I’ve just created a feature idea request to have email templates append and not replace the text.  That way, you would be able to use two email templates within the one email.  Please vote for this feature request, if you still think it is required.  Thank you!