Reset automators, and more!

Reset automators

If you accidentally execute an automator in a work item, you can now reset it. To do so, undo the action that activated the automator, click on the relevant automator and select ‘Reset’.

An example of undoing an action that activated an automator is unchecking a task in a section that is set to trigger an automator when all tasks in that section are completed. Or, if the automator will activate based on the status of the work, make sure the work status is set to anything other than the activating status before resetting the automator.

Note: If the automator caused an action, like updating the work item’s status, that action will need to be manually reverted.

This was a feature request from customers, raised in the recently-released Feature Ideas section in Karbon Community.


Updates to Colleague Leaderboard in Work Insights

You can now navigate deeper into your Colleague Leaderboard and see how each colleague’s individual workload is progressing.

To find the Colleague Leaderboard sub-chart, navigate to Insights from your main side menu. By default, it will list all your colleagues.

When you click a colleague's name, you can view their open work, completed work and overdue work over your specified time.

The filters you apply in the main Work Insights dashboard will carry over into the Colleague Leaderboard sub-chart, and you can also adjust these filters from the sub-chart page.


Time & Budget overview update

When viewing the Budget Overview graph on a work item, you can toggle between ‘Hours’ and ‘Amount’.

This was a feature request from customers, raised in the recently-released Feature Ideas section in Karbon Community


An easier way to add work to a timeline

When you add an item to a timeline, you can now toggle between Work and Contact, and whatever you’ve typed in the search bar will remain.


Update to email smart suggestions

When sending emails from an organization timeline, Karbon will suggest and display the primary email address of contacts associated with that organization.

More information on the smart suggestion rules


Toggle between time periods in timesheets

When viewing a colleague’s timesheets, you can change the week you are looking at by clicking on the arrows either side of the time period.

This was a feature request from customers, raised in the recently-released Feature Ideas section in Karbon Community


Update to exports

Exports of organizations now include columns for website and social media links, and exports of people now include a column for their role.


More visibility across other contacts involved in work items

You can now see more information about other contacts involved in work items, including their Name, Role, Organization and Email.

This was a feature request from customers, raised in the recently-released Feature Ideas section in Karbon Community.



Some really cool additions in here that I know will make my life easier. Also exciting to see some items from the new feature request board being implemented - keep those ideas coming! Don’t be dissuaded if your idea isn’t implemented right away; many times great ideas lay in waiting because they’re planned along with other changes, or because there are prerequisites behind the scenes.

I’m really interested to hear who is putting these new Insights reports to use - any stories or examples so far? To the comments section! 



Reset automators

If you accidentally execute an automator in a work item, you can now reset it. To do so, undo the action that activated the automator, click on the relevant automator and select ‘Reset’.

An example of undoing an action that activated an automator is unchecking a task in a section that is set to trigger an automator when all tasks in that section are completed. Or, if the automator will activate based on the status of the work, make sure the work status is set to anything other than the activating status before resetting the automator.

Note: If the automator caused an action, like updating the work item’s status, that action will need to be manually reverted.

This was a feature request from customers, raised in the recently-released Feature Ideas section in Karbon Community.

Yay for community input! 😀 This was something that really bothered me.



Updates to Colleague Leaderboard in Work Insights

You can now navigate deeper into your Colleague Leaderboard and see how each colleague’s individual workload is progressing.

To find the Colleague Leaderboard sub-chart, navigate to Insights from your main side menu. By default, it will list all your colleagues.

When you click a colleague's name, you can view their open work, completed work and overdue work over your specified time.

The filters you apply in the main Work Insights dashboard will carry over into the Colleague Leaderboard sub-chart, and you can also adjust these filters from the sub-chart page.

@Arthi Bannister I think you’ll like this.


Toggle between time periods in timesheets

When viewing a colleague’s timesheets, you can change the week you are looking at by clicking on the arrows either side of the time period.

I love this, and another feature that was requested in the feature request section. Thanks!


Some really cool additions in here that I know will make my life easier. Also exciting to see some items from the new feature request board being implemented - keep those ideas coming! Don’t be dissuaded if your idea isn’t implemented right away; many times great ideas lay in waiting because they’re planned along with other changes, or because there are prerequisites behind the scenes.

I’m really interested to hear who is putting these new Insights reports to use - any stories or examples so far? To the comments section!

We’re working on building out a better bookkeeping offering and @Arthi Bannister has been using the insight reports quite a bit in that process. I’m curious to see what she thinks.

Woo! To second Max, happy to see those feature requests quickly developed and rolled out (mine was Amount on Budgets) 😁

Thank you!  Love the updates, Love the power of the community!

@max I think its pretty neat. Kind of gives us a visual now if were trending correctly, and will eventually be able to give us historical data :)