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Hi Karbon

This is going to sound like a whinge but why do tech companies feel the need to change something that is not broken. I find the new look Triage very difficult on the eye and not at all an improvement on the user friendliness - quite the opposite in fact. A number of colleagues at our firm have echoed this feeling.

There are so many other advances that could have been focussed on, such as the ability to have better editing functionality in Karbon, the ability to add multiple items to a timeline, or being able to view and deal with more than 50 line items in the Triage on screen - I certainly have struggled with this new look and I am finding myself reverting back to outlook these days compared to how much I really enjoyed using Karbon previously.

I am not sure if I am posting this in the right spot but thank you in advance for considering if this comes on your radar.



I felt the same way initially, but now enjoy the Triage in split mode.  It seems to have everything at your fingertips and makes working in Triage more efficient, IMO.  I agree that some of your mentioned enhancements would be nice!

I agree BUT I am also hoping this is the first step to (as you mentioned “add multiple items to a timeline”). I’m hoping that was the ultimate goal for the new view.


all good points @Kamal Thakkar !  We’ve noticed the new view has helped us push items out of Triage faster and live in the “My Week” view rather than out of Triage.  If I use triage like a traditional email inbox, I can see how the change would be a step back, but hopefully it will have the same effect for you as it has for us! 
