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Currently implemented EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System) into my firm.  Reaching out to see if any community firm owners are using Karbon for EOS management?  Has Karbon helped you to keep your goals/rocks/issues/to-dos tracked and monitor progress for you and your leadership team?  Appreciate feedback.  

Hi Beth, love this question and I’m following to hear from others on this. I don’t have much to add to the discussion other than saying that we have a recurring piece of work for our weekly L10 meetings which we can add agenda items to during the week.

Also following this to see what feedback comes in.  @Beth Miller  Does that mean you’re not using the traction tools site during your L10’s?  Or just looking for a clear path to implement/track the to-do’s within Karbon?

@Jared Cordner I’m looking for a way to track Goals/Rocks/Issues/To-Dos all in one place and see progress.  Can you explain further what you are tracking on the recurring piece within Karbon?  What are you using to track progress for the goals/rocks/issues/to-do items?  Are you using another program?

@drich208 - I am not using the traction tools site.  We have currently tried creating a template in Karbon to track goals/rocks/issues/to-dos.  Not sure if this tool is best to track this and progress.  Looking for feedback/suggestions.  Some organizations use a program called Ninety.  

I was trying to see if Karbon can be used somehow to track.  Appreciate feedback on what other organizations may be using.

 Hey @Beth Miller!


This is a great question.  We implemented EOS a few months back.  We have tried to keep Karbon and Ninety (the EOS software) separate.  Basically, we put all client-related to-dos in Karbon and leave the rest in Ninety.  If we were not using Ninety, everything would be in Karbon as internal work items.  What we have found is to-dos are being overlooked or forgotten when not being entered into Karbon.  We are considering putting everything into Karbon but we haven’t gotten that far yet.

@Heather Lancaster - Thank you Heather for your feedback.  Are you also tracking any EOS related items in Excel spreadsheets?  I’ve created a Level 10 Meeting Work item and created separate sections for Goals/Rocks/ Issues/To Dos.  Then created tasks within each section.  I was thinking to track it as one work item for the Quarter, and then create a new work item for new quarter once we reevaluated the rocks.  I’m not sure if this is best, so I’m seeking if anyone else has suggestions.  

How do you like Ninety?  Do you feel everything tracked in Ninety can be tracked in Karbon?

@Beth Miller we are not tracking anything outside of Karbon and Ninety.  We have two Level 10 work items in Karbon.  One is to prep for the meeting and the other is to hold the meeting (trying to forecast capacity).  We like to use Ninety in conjunction with Karbon to run the meetings, keep track of scorecard metrics, hold all the vital V/TO information, the accountability chart and you can start 1-on-1 conversations on some sort of cadence.  While I like using Ninety for those features, I could see ways to build out these items in Karbon.


My immediate thoughts are:

  1. Create a contact for EOS/Level10s
  2. Create Karbon work templates to layout the meeting agenda and each section that is to be covered - which you are doing
    1. Segue or Good News (5 min)
    2. Scorecard (5 min)
      1. Use a Google sheet that everyone can update to instead of Excel?
      2. This would allow for real-time updates and collaboration
      3. It would also allow you to keep history and averages
    3. Rock Review (5 min)
    4. Headlines (5 min)
    5. To-dos (5 min)
    6. Issues or IDS (60 min)
    7. Conclude (5 min)
  3. The work item would likely need to use automators to allow multiple team members to collaborate and push the work item along
    1. Use automators to assign tasks to team members to update according to their scorecard metrics and rocks
  4. If you have more than one Level 10 due to different departments, you may need to consider customizing more than one template
    1. You can create weekly, quarterly and/or annual templates if you feel the need - since they may run differently
    2. If you track how long it takes for work items to be closed, leaving these open for the entire quarter would not be ideal.  We would likely do it on a weekly basis for this reason
  5. You could store the accountability chart and V/TO under the document section of the contact or link to it under a task if you have the information stored in Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.

If you’d like to connect to brainstorm other ideas, just let me know.  I know that was just a bunch of word vomit, but I hope it was at least a little bit helpful.

You can also embed the Google Sheet link in the Karbon work for easy access leading up to the L10. 

Also, just for funsies, you can add a Countdown timer to the Google Sheet to keep the meeting on track 😄

=minute(A2-now())       Use this formula if A2 is the time and date of the meeting end time

Then go to File>Settings>Calculation and change the sheet to “On change and every minute”

Then add a Gauge Chart and create a look. The timer will update every minute while the sheet is open.

Here’s a snapshot of the timer…


You can also embed the Google Sheet link in the Karbon work for easy access leading up to the L10. 

Also, just for funsies, you can add a Countdown timer to the Google Sheet to keep the meeting on track 😄

=minute(A2-now())       Use this formula if A2 is the time and date of the meeting end time

Then go to File>Settings>Calculation and change the sheet to “On change and every minute”

Then add a Gauge Chart and create a look. The timer will update every minute while the sheet is open.

Here’s a snapshot of the timer…


AMAZING idea.  Love this!

we are using microsoft loop for our level 10 meetings, just got started a few months ago. thanks for sharing your experiences.


The software called Ninety creates To Do items.  Does Karbon have any plans to create integration with Ninety so that To Do items created in Ninety create Karbon To Dos?

The software called Ninety creates To Do items.  Does Karbon have any plans to create integration with Ninety so that To Do items created in Ninety create Karbon To Dos?

Good call.
