Hi all!!! This is a two part question
- I know that you can automate a workflow to set a due date and status, is there a way to automate the To-do date of a section/task in a workflow?
- To give you and example of what I want to achieve - there is a section in a monthly workflow that is assigned to a colleague - I only want this section to show in my colleagues To-do on the 29th of the month, and change the status of the tasks in this section to “in-progress” at the same time, using automators.
- I have a couple of monthly clients and their workflows start on the first of the month, but have approximately 10 - 15 tasks each - so you can imagine what my To-do list looks like on the 1st of every month. again - is there a way to automate the to-do date of a task in a workflow. If not - have you encountered the same issue, how have you negated it - apart from moving 300+ tasks to the desired To-do date on a monthly basis?