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When I add an email address to a Contact it turns off sharing for me only

  • 28 March 2023
  • 7 replies

All of my colleagues and I have email sharing turned on.

If I add a second email address to a Contact, it automatically turns on sharing for that email address, for all of my colleagues, but not me.

If I try and manually turn on email sharing for that email address, it doesn’t work (e.g. I refresh and it shows me as not sharing).

Anybody else had that happen?

Hmm, I’ve not experienced this. Sounds like something support would be interested in hearing about.

FYI: @Aliesa Jackson

Thanks Max, have alerted support but was curious if it was happening to others also (or maybe for people to try it out, as it’s not something you notice, until you do! 😣)

Thanks for bringing this to my attention @max!

Also, I am glad you have alerted our Support team so we can take a closer look! Thanks @SamG 



Crazy when a 🐛 needs a feature request, but here it is:


Yes we’ve also had this happen and have told support too. 

Good news, Karbon has investigated my request and it seems that an issue does exist and is a problem on Karbon’s end. The Karbon team is working on a fix for it, but the ETA is not yet known. 🙂


I got a message earlier this week that this has now been fixed...if you don’t see it fixed yet on your end you’ll want to reach out to karbon again. 
