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Hi everyone,

I’ve set up a new template for a payroll client, and I've configured it to auto-create repeating work for each payroll cycle. However, as I continue to update and make changes to the template, I’ve noticed that changes made do not automatically update the future templates. I have made changes to the original template, as well as the current work item I have opened,but still, the changes are not updating across the upcoming work items.

Is there a way to ensure that changes made to the template sync automatically across all templates? I figure there must be, however, they haven’t synced. Could this be a glitch, or has anyone else experiences this issue? An option to update all templates, or at least prompt me to apply changes to future templates, would be beneficial. This manual update process has taken a lot of my day, and I still haven't figured it out. It has been quite time-consuming, and I’m looking for a more efficient solution.

Thanks in advance for your help!

@naomi_paulson Am I understanding you correctly? You made a work template, created a work item from that template, and then set up a repeating schedule for that work item.

Once you have created a work item from a template and set up the repeating work schedule, future work items in the repeating work series will no longer pull the task list from the template but rather the task list will be generated from the list on the previous work item in the series. 

If you ever want a work item to revert to the task list on the template, you do have the option of manually resetting the work item to the template. 

If you make changes to a work item and the task list on the next item in the series has already generated it’s task list, then you do have the option of manually reseting that work item to the task list on the previous work item. When setting up your repeating work schedule, it’s important to choose when you’d like the task list to generate based on the frequency of the repeating schedule. Ideally you are done with making changes to the previous work item before the task list generates on the next item in the series.

Hope that helps. Let me know if you have other questions. 

@naomi_paulson being able to bulk update existing work items created from a template is something that’s REALLY needed - check out this very popular feature request and add your comments/vote!

My first guess is that your recurring work timing is not quite right like @jens was saying here:

When setting up your repeating work schedule, it’s important to choose when you’d like the task list to generate based on the frequency of the repeating schedule. Ideally you are done with making changes to the previous work item before the task list generates on the next item in the series.

I always make sure that my task list generates the day before the work start date. This way it picks up all changes made in the previous work item in the series.

@naomi_paulson being able to bulk update existing work items created from a template is something that’s REALLY needed - check out this very popular feature request and add your comments/vote!

Wow, I had no idea this was not a feature. That seems like a huge flaw in the system, and an incredible waste of time. I assumed I was doing something wrong, and that was why I couldn’t figure it out. What a shame. I am shocked that there is no option to apply changes to already existing work items? Honesty, I don’t see the point in templates without this option. I make changes to my templates almost every time I use them, and for those changes to be all for naught… Just disappointing. 

@naomi_paulson I agree. Work/templates is ever-evolving, however resetting the work requires a lot of time (whether we are updating on our end, or Karbon is bulk-updating for us). There is not an ideal process, and this is something we struggle with quite frequently as we balance being able to have a fluid/evolving workflow/template but knowing it requires quite a bit of resources to update the work. 
