
Time Tracking from employee perspective

  • 13 September 2023
  • 5 replies

Userlevel 2

I am struggling with “just click the little clock and find your work item” 

Why are some clients not coming up for me or other members of my team?  Why can I not find work that I know I am assigned to select as my work item?  For the life of me, I can not figure out why I would be blocked out of this.  These are clients I know exist, and that I have assigned work for.

When I search for what seems like the VERY basic function how-to, I get sent to info about how to set this up as a manager, but not much about how to trouble shoot the actual “clock in and clock out” part. 

What am I missing?

5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

@Kathy Coggins do you mean this timer clock up here? 🙂

If the work you’re looking for is planned or completed, make sure this is toggled on (blue once toggled on):

I’ve never had an issue finding work nor have any of my team told me they have. There may be an issue. Have you tried contacting support and requesting to speak to someone? They are usually able to help fairly quickly 🙂




Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Maybe also ask your Karbon Administrator (colleague who has full admin rights) to check Settings > Time & Budgets, that Time Tracking is ticked 🙂


Userlevel 2

Thanks everyone.  Once I unconnected from QBTime, the issue resolved itself.  We are moving away from QBTime anyway, so this was no big loss to us.  Whatever it was, it was clearly connected to the shared link.  

Userlevel 2

False resolution.  QB Time keeps re-connecting.  (And before anyone suggests contacting our office admin - that’s me).   And even then, it often will let us “start the clock” but then will not let us select “mandatory” catagories (they come up blank) so the time can be saved.  We have had two extensive conversations with Tech Support, and we still can’t figure it out.  Pretty frustrated with how clunky this is and how unusable it feels.  My employees are pretty frustrated, as am I.  

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

@Kathy Coggins that does sound super frustrating!

Is it Karbon Support who you’ve been in discussion with? I’m surprised they haven’t been able to resolve that 😢

@Hannah Faesenkloet @Dave George is this something you’re across or know who best to resolve?
