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We are looking to create an internal scheduling calendar for tax season - by preparer - where clients must tell us the week they plan to submit their data. The calendar will be subject to a capacity limit, no different than a medical office appointment.  Has anyone heard of or created such a mechanism?  This will help to alleviate the massive inflow of client data in March-April.

I am very interested by this concept and would love to see how others might have implemented this!

We are also looking to plan the next upcoming tax season in this manner - we have not settled on anything yet.  we were looking into using a separate calendarly account that would have room for 4 ‘appointments’ per day.

I’ve used calelndly and others - but this is strictly to manage internal workflow.  In the past, when clients have had the opportunity to go online and book an appointment, 80% of which are totally unnecessary and a waste of time, they do this - that’s why I’m avoiding the normal calendar booking mechanism but rather opting to have a tool at my admin’s disposal to control the incoming data - to force people to commit to a time frame.

The appointment is not for a meeting, but a hold.  What we were going to do is to set up 10 min appointments on a Friday for and allow for only one hour to limit available.  We would explain to clients that we will check their portal on the date they chose.  If the portal is complete, we will work on the tax return the next week, otherwise we will work on their extension.  

Have you looked at something like Fresha? I have started playing with this for my team (just internally) so that I can get a better overview of what and who they are working on day to day as well as managing my own time. Importantly it should allow us to schedule specific work on BASes, IASes, TPARs, etc.

@Jacob Oberlander was recently on Jason Staats’ podcast talking about how he’s doing it with his firm.

Thanks, Max.

Max - what day’s podcast was that on?  Searched for it….

