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Currently if we assign someone a role for a task in a work item, the work item appears in their My Week, even if the work is not with them currently.

I understand some people like to know what work they have coming up, however some people really don’t cope well with this, especially admin staff who have a role in almost every piece of work that gets created.

Is there a way to stop seeing work in My Week where a task is not actively assigned to you? Other than just applying a filter?

Clearing out jobs sitting on Planned etc takes up a good chunk of admins day.

Oh and also, now that 2023 annual tax work recurring items are being created and rolled over, staff who completed a task last year are having to clear about 300 To Plan items in their My Week.

We don’t have the same staff working on a file year to year either.

Any suggestions?

I’m also having issues with works popping out in My Week that I’m no longer/not assigned to. Hopefully there will be some resolution on this matter.

@Imbi Finlayson @May Pineda there are a few things you could try to reduce this problem:

  • Use automators to assign tasks only once prior tasks in that work has been completed (see support article here)
    • i.e. if there is an admin section, you would add the role Admin to the tasks in advance, and then have an automator to assign tasks to the specific person only once the previous section is complete
  • Shorten the timeline between work start date and task creation date (see support article here)
    • If tasks only create a couple weeks in advance of the work start date, Karbon won’t see they are involved in the work until that point so it shouldn’t be in their My Week
    • We set all our tasks for all work to create 1 month in advance
    • You could also have the work items themselves populating closer to the start date so they don’t even exist too far in advance
  • Update the Resource Planning section of repeating work so the work items populate in a specific week instead of landing in To Plan (see support article here)
    • I only really find this useful if the turnaround between start/due dates is a week, or if everyone will be involved in the first week
  • Check who is in the Work Team in the details tab and remove people who shouldn’t be/are no longer involved (see support article here)
    • I’ve raised this as a feature request, to automatically remove people when tasks are reassigned


Let me know if any/a combination of the above helps at all! If it doesn’t, create a feature request or search/vote for existing requests.

Hi @Rebecca Williams thanks that might work. I did not know we could assign automators and not tasks and that would take it out of Planned My Week workflow. 

Now I just need to update 1,000 jobs accordingly….😣

@Imbi Finlayson test them first to make sure it works like I think it does! I’m pretty sure it won’t take existing work out of My Week if it’s already ended up there, but it will hopefully prevent future ones ending up in My Week too early!

Of course you may also decide that it results in work being assigned too late and people can’t get enough visibility to do sufficient planning… 🤔
