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I have noticed I have emails showing in my triage that are not showing in my outlook? I have check the spam/junk account and they don’t show there in outlook either.

Any idea where these have come from and why they would show in Karbon triage?

Hi @Tasha Harding, welcome to the Karbon community! 😊
What you are describing doesn’t make sense.

I suggest you contact support, and they should be able to help you track down the issue.

My favorite way to get in touch with support is through chat from Karbon, but you can also email

You can also wait here and @Aliesa Jackson can get you connected, but it’s not the normal service channel so it may take a little longer. 😁

Thanks @max I will pop support an email.

Thank you!! @max 

Hi Tasha, I’d be happy to get you connected. Or have you already reached out to our Support team? Please let me know. @Tasha Harding 

Hi @Aliesa Jackson I have already been in touch with support they are looking into it, thank you

Awesome! @Tasha Harding 

We have come across something similar in email routing.

For us, we have a general email that is sent out to all of my accountants, but rather than getting the email with their name that they received in Outlook, they randomly get the emails of each other in their triages. We have had this happen twice, both time we reported it, both times from the same sender, but nothing could be found to be able to be fixed that I am aware of.

Did you end up with a resolution once you spoke with support? If so, would you be willing to share what was done? 



Hey @Tasha Harding  / @max 

What was the resolution to this? I currently have this issue with very spammy emails, which never appear in my Outlook - I assume some MS365 filters, but they show up in Karbon.


Karbon support then looked at what folders I had syncing for Triage (I didn’t know this was even a thing, because it’s only ever been my inbox that shows in Triage, anything I route by a rule disappears from Triage - which I want...), and this hasn’t fixed the issue.


In addition, they said all my folders were due to sync to Triage based on current settings, which isn’t the case either.

Hi Luke,

We also use MS365 and our filters work to block emails from getting to Karbon.

I wish I had a better answer for you. My suggestion would be to connect Karbon support with your IT provider (if you have one). Karbon will get to the bottom of the issue with them.

For completeness, the issue here was emails going into quarantine by M365 but Karbon picking up in the almost non-existent period where the email existed.

Support had no resolution to this.
