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Hi all, I’m trying to review some team members’ productivity on tax returns. I’d like a report summarizing, for a given period:

  • Team member
    • Work completed
      • Time budget
      • Actual time

I tried doing this using the Completed work filter. This doesnt work because ultimately all tax returns get assigned back to the admin team for signing and filing, so when they go into completed status they’re no longer assigned to the preparer. Am I missing how to do this?

We ran into this same challenge this year. We haven’t come up with a solution yet. One thing we were thinking was to export the time logs and do some excel wizardry but we would love to be able to see this in Karbon. 

Hi @Elisa Meyer! I’m not sure if there is a way to pull this information (I’ve not come across one). I know it's not ideal, but perhaps looking over the timeline to see when the job changed statuses or assignee may be a workaround for now?

@Elisa Meyer you can see these details on individual work items in the Time and Budgets tab and export if need be.


I don’t believe there is a single report already setup that gives that level of granularity across all involvement in the work item but as @sarah.e suggested, you could export all the timesheets and then a pivot table should give you what you’re after! It may also be available in the Karbon Practice Intelligence add-on - I know they’ve been adding more time-related reports there recently.


If it’s something you’d like to see inside Karbon, please create a feature request - you could add a screenshot of an example if you are able to get it displaying how you’d like in excel!

@Kim Clemmer that is what I have been doing but it’s tedious and time intensive, so I was hoping for something else! Looks like I’m spending a bunch of time in Excel a la @sarah.e, which begs the question - is Karbon worth it if I can’t even get insight on my team’s productivity?

I don’t understand why Karbon offers so little options in terms of data exports - this info is in there, there’s just no option to format the data to export the way I want. This seems very basic.

@Elisa Meyer  I would definitely say that Karbon is still worth it! And they are so receptive to the feedback in the community, so I could see this issue getting ironed out sooner than later.

Like you said, the data is there, we just can’t extract is yet. We need to make sure there is a feature request, so they know this is important to us and then get people voting! 

Our team has just started deep diving into the Time & Budgets tab, and we are learning that there is so much untapped data there, it’s almost overwhelming. If you have this feature set up correctly, you can see so much in terms of the overall productivity. 

We also purchased the new Karbon Practice Intelligence reporting and they release a new one for Time Reports. I still don’t think it will give you the specific data you’re looking for but it has been extremely helpful in getting our team on the same page for time logging. 

Hi @Elisa Meyer we don’t use Time and Billing but we do use Time Budgets to assess capacity for each team member.  I use a combination of Dashboards and spreadsheets to get the data that I need.  I agree with @sarah.e fully, even though Karbon is not meeting ALL of our needs YET there is so much there to help us manage our teams.

We were early adopters of Karbon and have felt different levels of frustration along the way but it has all been worth it.  The Karbon team has been responsive to suggestions and rolling out new features at a great pace.
