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Repeating Work on 1st of the month

  • 27 October 2021
  • 2 replies

Can anyone provide a workaround regarding work repeating at the beginning of each month?  As number of days vary between each month, when the repeating work is created, it falls within the existing month instead of the new month.  For example, month end process - created on 1/10/21 but when repeating, it appears on 31/12/21 instead of 1/1/22.

The Help desk have advised that I will be unable to set a fixed date which will give me consistent results and to add this as a feature request.

What are other people doing instead?

Hi Debbie! :)

Can anyone provide a workaround regarding work repeating at the beginning of each month?  As number of days vary between each month, when the repeating work is created, it falls within the existing month instead of the new month.  For example, month end process - created on 1/10/21 but when repeating, it appears on 31/12/21 instead of 1/1/22.

We have had issues with this when we use the option to move the start and due dates if they fall on the weekend. My recommendation is to leave that setting turned off and let the work fall on the due date even if it’s a weekend.

The Help desk have advised that I will be unable to set a fixed date which will give me consistent results and to add this as a feature request.

This doesn’t make sense to me as we have been using repeating work for a long time and we do not have problems with the start dates.

What are other people doing instead?

Would you send a screenshot of your repeat settings so that I can get a better idea of the problem?

I agree with @max. If you want a repeating work item to always start on the first day of the month, don’t check the box to move the start/due dates if they fall on a weekend. We have several repeating work items set up this way and do not have an issue with this. 
