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Print TO DO list or WORK List

  • 8 March 2023
  • 2 replies


Is there a way to print the TODO list without using the conventional browser print feature (it only prints what’s on the screen)?  A way to export the list based on the filter to a PDF or EXCEL file would be helpful.  Some of us need a sheet of paper to cross things off of!  This would be helpful to have the feature in the WORK modulue as well.





2 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +12

Hi @JAS - users with Admin permissions can export Work Views using the cloud icon in the top right, just below the view settings: 

I don’t believe it is possible to export To-Dos. This also won’t be added as the To-Do module will be retired once Assignments is released. Unsure if Assignments will have export features but that sounds useful!


Thanks @Rebecca Williams .  I’ve also tried to print the page and that’s a mess LOL.  If this can be added as a feature enhancement to export in CSV or EXCEL format, that would be great (or a Reporting) tool for customized reports which can be exported.


