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Is it possible to add a placeholder (like <%client_name>) in a work template, so that when you assign work it automatically adds the placeholder to the work name?  

Example: Template Name: 1040 Individual Return <%client_name> 

Once work is assigned it becomes: 1040 Individual Return John Doe


I don’t think this is possible.  I know you can add things to the title of a work item when you set it up to repeat, but I don’t think you can do that to a template.  If this is something you would like added, please remember to make the suggestion in Help and Feedback.


Thanks DianeK, appreciate the feedback. 

You can add placeholders when setting up repeating work schedules. The common placeholders used in repeating work schedules are related to months, dates, and years though - not client names. 

We find that creating work underneath client names (contacts) is sufficient without the client name in the work title. Perhaps I need better understanding of how the client name in the work title is helpful. 

Thanks for the feedback Gary.  I’m fairly new to Karbon so my thinking was coming from a cosmetic standpoint.  If we send a client task and email subject includes ‘work name’ I was trying to personalize the email. 

So instead of just ‘Please complete this checklist - Onboarding’, the client gets ‘Please complete this checklist - John & Jane Doe Onboarding’. 

I know you can change the work name when setting it up, just trying to save steps and have the template name personalize it for me.  Not a big deal, just wondering what others ideas/thoughts were being new and not getting a ton of client feedback on how they interface (we have run internal tests).  Thanks. 

@Charles Wannamaker I just checked some of our client tasks. When the email is sent out, it does show the client name at the end of the subject line (after the rest of the work title.) Are your client tasks not showing that?

Thanks jens.  It was the work name that I was interested in automating, but yes if you add the client name placeholder in the client task email it will show in the subject. 

Hey guys.

I read through the above, and I’m wanting to know if I can add my own placeholders or /manipulate the placeholders in the work heading section. The reason I ask is that I take on a lot of clients that have not been compliant for eg 5 years. So I want the start date/time/year to be eg YYYY-5. Also South Africa’s tax runs from YYYY-1 to YYYY. So this year 2022 tax year will be from Mar 2021 to Feb 2022.

