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More design options for invoicing needed

  • 27 August 2023
  • 5 replies

The current invoicing options are not workable.

I’ve provided the Karbon folks with a sample customized invoice we created years ago when using Thomson Reuters Practice CS.  Everyting I am seeing falls short of acceptable.  We need to be able to invoice based on details as follows:

Engagement Title e.g., “2022 Corporation Tax Services”

Then under that, a brief description of the service, # of hours and the total billed.

To use “units” , billing rates or names of staff is not something we would ever use. 

The formatting should also allow for insertion of our web site, a comment that the client can pay online thru our site, etc.  

This current formatting is not in keeping with the rendering of professional accounting services, so far as I believe, here in the U.S.



5 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Michael Green,

Can you add the comment about paying on your website in the Payment Instructions field of the template? 🙂

There is a description field where you can add a brief description of the service and # of hours, does that suffice or how would you change that?

Tagging @Dave George and @Hannah Faesenkloet from the Karbon Billing team, who I’m sure are  all across your wishes, but incase not


Userlevel 2

@Michael Green Sam is totally right that you are able to set payments instructions and comments on your invoice template (you can find that in billing settings) If you set it there it will propagate to all invoices, otherwise you can do it invoice by invoice. 

You can also edit descriptions per invoice as well. If you are not wanting to use the work item name on the invoice, you can click into the work item and set an external name, this will be used instead of the work item name for both invoicing and client requests. 

Let me know if there still don’t solve the problem, would love to chat more over zoom. 



Userlevel 2
Badge +1

Good afternoon:

Sorry for the 3 month pause in this thread. 

Here are the main issues I have:

  • Because of our volume, it is imperative that the template be able to receive the summary data for the service rendered from the time being charged, automatically generate a services description (see first line below), show the write-off and bill.  For example:

           Preparation of 2022 Federal, State & Local Tax Returns             5.27 Hrs               $848.60

           E-Filing and Computer Charges                                                                                    40.00

           Less: Courtesy Discount                                                                                             (288.60)

           Balance Due                                                                                                               $600.00

           I don’t see how this is possible in Karbon.

  • Insert our phone and fax number in the bill head
  • Insert a portion that shows the ongoing receivable,e.g., 

           Beginning Balance                                                                  $525.00

           Receipts                                                                                        0.00

           Invoices                                                                                     600.00

           Adjustments                                                                                   0.00

           Service Charges/Interest                                                               7.88

            Amount Due                                                                         $1,132.88

            The above detail could be in a tear-off portion at the bottom of the invoice.

  • How does Karbon generate monthly statements for outstanding receivables?


Michael Green

I am currently not using the Invoice template in Karbon due to lack of customisability, and also the time it would take to get all the descriptions correct! 

  1. Would love to be able to drag the fields around to make the invoice more visually appealing
  2. Would love Invoice Description Templates (like your email ones, that we love) to be able to quickly populate each line of the Invoice - drop down or select would work well.
  3. Also to add additional lines on the invoice
  4. Manually edit the fee for each line if necessary. (Staff sometimes don’t allocate time to correct job or task)

Thanks for listening.

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

I am currently not using the Invoice template in Karbon due to lack of customisability, and also the time it would take to get all the descriptions correct! 

  1. Would love to be able to drag the fields around to make the invoice more visually appealing
  2. Would love Invoice Description Templates (like your email ones, that we love) to be able to quickly populate each line of the Invoice - drop down or select would work well.
  3. Also to add additional lines on the invoice
  4. Manually edit the fee for each line if necessary. (Staff sometimes don’t allocate time to correct job or task)

Thanks for listening.

Please make this happen, Karbon! I agree with @Linda Bernard@Michael Green, and everyone else who has made a similar post, wholeheartedly. It is imperative that the Karbon invoicing system offers full customization capabilities. Every firm has different invoicing requirements, and the option to customize invoices is available in every other invoicing program I have come across. It's puzzling why the issue of customization hasn't been addressed despite numerous posts and inquiries, including recent ones, and posts dating back more than two years. We would love to be using Karbon for all our needs, including invoicing. However, until changes are made, we will continue with our existing invoicing practices.
