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Hello all, question RE managing work and timelines.  

I’m finding it easy at times to miss e-mails in work timelines that actually need to be actioned during the work process.  Particularly where there are multiple automatic e-mails and reminders it’s hard at times to pick out the important e-mails from the less important. 

I’ve tried the pinning option but find this is a few too many clicks when trying to sort triages and easily missed leading to important e-mails then not getting flagged.  

Is there a way others manage this that they could share, please?


@Tom98 Good morning, a few items to try if pinning is not working for you. Most likely these will have varying degrees of success depending on the type of work being performed and each can be used in conjunction with the other. At times, opening the email in Outlook does work better. The Karbon UI is a little funky with how it threads replies together and sometimes the three dots gets missed and an email is not expended.

  • Pinning, works mostly well,
  • Assigning the email to an individual,
  • Planning for this week in order for the email to show up as an action item,
  • Commenting on the email. I like this one a lot as it places the nice blue comment box on the email and lets me know visually this one is important.
  • I also post a Note, pinned to the top of each work item timeline. This allows me to have a central place for all important notes and action items regarding the work. If there are emails that are important I copy the conversation link from the email and place it within this note as well.

@Tom98 - @LD7E has made some good points! Not an immediate solution, but here’s some feature requests you could vote on that (if implemented) could help in future:


@Tom98 Good morning, a few items to try if pinning is not working for you. Most likely these will have varying degrees of success depending on the type of work being performed and each can be used in conjunction with the other. At times, opening the email in Outlook does work better. The Karbon UI is a little funky with how it threads replies together and sometimes the three dots gets missed and an email is not expended.

  • Pinning, works mostly well,
  • Assigning the email to an individual,
  • Planning for this week in order for the email to show up as an action item,
  • Commenting on the email. I like this one a lot as it places the nice blue comment box on the email and lets me know visually this one is important.
  • I also post a Note, pinned to the top of each work item timeline. This allows me to have a central place for all important notes and action items regarding the work. If there are emails that are important I copy the conversation link from the email and place it within this note as well.

Thanks this is really helpful, I particularly like the commenting on e-mail idea and also idea to create and pin a note instead of an e-mail, appreciate your response! 😊
