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Hi, we have been using Karbon now for around 2 months at our firm, so still very new to the system.

We have now put all of our clients in Karbon, and wondered if it was possible to set an individual as the “main point of contact” for a client? We regularly redistribute work amongst the team and it would be really handy to have this information stored somewhere. Any ideas/suggestions would be appreciated!

Hello @Charlotte Giles

If you go to a client and go to “Details”, under “Client Team” you can nominate a “Client Owner” or “Client Manager” - this will show on all work associated with that client.

I’m experimenting with Loom, so here’s what it spit out:


How to Add a Client Owner in Carbon

  1. Access Client Details

    • Click on any client in Karbon.

    • Go to details.

  2. Find Client Team Section

    • Scroll down to locate the client team section.

  3. Edit Client Team

    • Click on edit in the client team section.

  4. Set Client Owner and Manager

    • Set a client owner and client manager.

    • Add other team members who may be involved with the client.

  5. Benefits

    • Tracking clients with a designated client owner.

    • Enhancing organization and accountability within the firm.


Link to Loom

Hi all, thanks for your comments. Reading my original post back, I definitely didn’t make myself clear at all!!!


When referring to a main point of contact, I meant the main point of contact on the client side, i.e who the person in our firm needs to speak to regarding all of the client’s matters day to day. 


Hope that clears things up?

Hi all, thanks for your comments. Reading my original post back, I definitely didn’t make myself clear at all!!!


When referring to a main point of contact, I meant the main point of contact on the client side, i.e who the person in our firm needs to speak to regarding all of the client’s matters day to day. 


Hope that clears things up?

I knew what you meant @Charlotte Giles 🙂

When you create a Person contact, you can make them associated with an Organisation, and when you create an Organisation you can define a primary contact, does this article help?

