Love Karbon? Want some exclusive swag and to be featured in our video? Read on!

  • 6 September 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Do you have a spare few minutes to help me out with something?

We’re putting together a short video to use in a campaign that explains why accounting firms should choose Karbon as their practice management solution. The video will feature some of our most special customers talking about why they love Karbon.

All you need to do is record a short 30-sec video on your computer or phone that answers one or all of the following questions in your own words:

  • What do you love most about Karbon?
  • How would you describe Karbon in one word?
  • In what way has Karbon impacted your firm for the better?

If you can record yourself and send the video this week, we’ll send you some exclusive Karbon swag to say thank you.

I’ve added some more guidelines below. But if you have any questions, just let me know here or by emailing me:


Video filming guide:

  • Either film via zoom or on your phone indoors or outdoors.
  • If using Zoom or your computer, adjust your video for low light
  • Don’t use any backgrounds or effects
  • If filming outdoors, avoid external noises ie. traffic, dogs barking
  • Keep it natural and human! It doesn’t need to be perfect, we want to see your personality
  • Smile!
  • Send your video to


  • Ensure good, consistent lighting conditions
  • If filming outdoors, avoid sun behind you as this puts your face in shadow
  • If filming indoors, try adding a soft light in front of you

Camera position

  • Allow space around your head with preferably shoulders in frame
  • Eyes to camera
  • If handheld, please keep camera still and avoid cropping of head


You can answer all 3 questions separately, or just choose 1 or 2

  • What do you love most about Karbon? Answer this question by starting: ”The thing I love most about Karbon is....”
  • How would you describe Karbon in one word? Answer this question by starting: ”In one word, Karbon is...”
  • In what way has Karbon impacted your firm for the better? Answer this question by starting: ”Karbon impacted/changed/improved/saved/increased...”

1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +19

I should be able to get you something by tomorrow. 😀
