That’s a good idea to update contacts. There isn’t much else you can do since the only triggers and actions in Zapier are for contacts. I think until more API endpoints are available and Karbon creates their open API, you won’t really be able to do too much.
But options I can think of with this is:
- Create contact and organization when prospect books meeting with you (Trigger could be a calendar app or your own calendar)
- Update contact and organization from prospect to client when prospect signs proposal (not sure what data is available but you’d need the contact type field)
- Update contact and organization info each year during tax time when a client fills in a new form to update their info. This could come from a form software or a database such as Airtable
- When contact info is updated in Karbon send it to your accounting software or other software where contact info is stored to update it there too
That’s all I’ve got so far in the five minutes to type this message