
Internal reminders for @ Mentions

  • 20 February 2024
  • 3 replies

Userlevel 3

Hello! We are wondering if there is a way to create a reminder on internal @ mentions? When we have a question and @ mention each other either in a task, note or otherwise, we are noticing if the question is not answered immediately, it is forgotten and then we get behind. Is there a system where we can implement to set reminders on these things? Thank you! 

3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +15

Hi @Lauren Lewis,

There are no automated reminders ☹️

If you assign the email or task when you comment, you can review To-Do of the colleague (may be hard to filter through the noise) and then follow up.. or better yet, of you're using Assignments instead, you can see tasks or emails assigned by you to someone else.. which may have less noise, but is only possible for you to see, not them.

It would be a good feature idea to make:

Does that help? 🙂

Userlevel 3

Thank you @SamG! I was thinking of employing assignments as well! But yes, having a notification would be lovely. 



Userlevel 7
Badge +15

The only downside to Assignments is it's only helpful to the person who assigned it... There's no option (for you or your colleagues) to see items assigned to you/them..

