Does anyone have individual clients set up as organizations? We have been operating fine with them as a contact until our recent integration with SuiteFiles. “Contacts” do not sync externally from Karbon, but Orgs do. Before we go through the whole list of our individual tax playing clients and make them into identical existing organizations, I would love to know if anyone has knowledge regarding this. Would a contact having the same name as an organization present any workflow issues?
Otherwise for context our current setup is:
- Individual tax client = Contact - “Client - Individual Tax”
- Joint tax clients (individually, i.e. First, Last) = Contact - “Client”
- Joint tax clients (joint) = Org - “Client - Joint Tax” (both contacts from above linked to this org and work done at this level)
- Businesses - Org - “Client - Business entity type”
- Client Groups are created for anyone with more than one organization and we put all orgs and contacts under client group for visibility of work items, associated contact info, etc.